为什么要使用 mysqli_close()?

2021-12-25 00:00:00 php mysqli


Is there any reason why I should close the connection after a query or at the end of the script?



连接(如果不是持久的) 总是在脚本结束时关闭,所以,理论上,你不会需要自己关闭.

The connection (if not persistent) is always closed at the end of the script, so, in theory, you don't need to close it yourself.

不过,如果您的 PHP 脚本需要大量时间来执行,那么当您不再需要对数据库执行任何请求时关闭连接是个好主意——至少,如果长时间的计算是在之后完成的查询.

Still, if your PHP script takes lots of time to execute, it's a good idea to close the connection when you don't have to do any request to the database anymore -- at least, if the long calculations are done after the queries.


This is especially true if your application is deployed on a shared hosting : your user account can generally only have a few connections opened at the same time. (That number of simultaneous opened connections can be pretty small on shared hosting ; it's generally bigger on private servers).


The reason we often don't close connections ourselfves is :

  • 我们通常不知道何时完成了所有查询——对于由许多小块"组成的页面尤其如此;每一个都是独立于其他的,并且可以自己进行查询;那么,我们什么时候可以关闭连接?
  • 网页的生成速度通常非常快,因此我们不必担心关闭与数据库的连接.
