弃用的 MySql 函数

2021-12-25 00:00:00 php mysql mysqli

Php 不会在 一些 MySql 函数中推广即将到来的日子.

Php is not going to promote some MySql functions in upcoming days.

PHP 手册中有一些关于清除不推荐使用的函数的示例.但例如;当我在下面的代码中用 mysqli_query 替换 mysql_query 时不起作用.Notepad++ 也将它们视为由我自己定义的函数.所有示例均使用 PHP 手册中的 OOP.我需要一个不使用面向对象编程的示例.

There is some examples about cleaning deprecated functions in PHP manual. But for example; when i replace mysql_query with mysqli_query in code below doesn't work. Also Notepad++ treats them like functions which is defined by myself. All examples are using OOP in PHP manual. I need an example without using object orianted programing.

谁能告诉我如何从不推荐使用的 mysql 函数中清除我的代码?

Can someone tell me that how can i clean my code from deprecated mysql functions?

function db_connect_select() 
        $connection = @mysql_connect(MYSQL_HOSTNAME, USERNAME_SELECT, PASSWORD);

        if (!$connection)
          return false; 

        if (!mysql_select_db(DATABASE))
          return false; 

        mysql_query("SET NAMES UTF8");

        return $connection;    

function db_result_to_array($result) 
    $res_array = array();

    for ($count = 0; $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $count++)
      $res_array[$count] = $row;    
    return $res_array;

function select_top_tags()
    $connection = db_connect_select();

    $query = 'SELECT * FROM top_tags ORDER BY tag_name ASC';

    $result = db_result_to_array(mysql_query($query));


    return $result; 



It will just make no sense.
A mere mechanical replacement will do no good.


因此,如果您想保持当前代码不变 - 只需保留它.
所以,在你遇到任何不便之前,你还有 3-4 年的时间.即便如此,关闭弃用级别的错误也是一个运行时设置的问题.

So, if you want to keep your current code as is - just keep it.
A red box in the manual is not that scary, and the version in which these functions are actually would raise a deprecated-level error is not out yet.
So, you have a 3-4 years ahead, before you will encounter whatever inconvenience. And even then to turn off deprecated-level errors is a matter of one runtime setting.

但是如果你想编写更好的代码 - 你必须使用 OOP 方式和 PDOstrong>(我可以向你保证,OOP 不是那可怕的.虽然它在编写时需要一些知识,但使用现成的类非常容易.与熟悉的函数唯一的区别是一点点-> 东西.没什么大不了的)

But if you want to write the better code - you have to use OOP way with PDO (and I can assure you that OOP is not that scaring. Although it require some knowledge when writing, it is very easy to use a ready made class. The only difference from familiar functions is a little -> thing. Not a big deal)


function db_connect_select() 
    $dsn = 'mysql:host='.MYSQL_HOSTNAME.';dbname='.DATABASE.';charset=utf8';
    $opt = array(
    return new PDO($dsn,USERNAME_SELECT, PASSWORD, $opt);

function db_result_to_array($query,) 
  // not needed with PDO

function select_top_tags()
    global $pdo;

    $query = 'SELECT * FROM top_tags ORDER BY tag_name ASC';
    $stm = $pdo->prepare($query);
    return $stm->fetchAll();


$pdo = db_connect_select(); // somewhere in a bootstrap file
$tags = select_top_tags();
