mysqli - fetch_Array 错误调用非对象 mysqli 上的成员函数 fetch_array()
我是 mysqli 的新手,并开始尝试学习基本的东西.关于这个我的例子( 我正在尝试 fetch_array.这是我的代码.
I am new to mysqli and started trying to learn basic things. With respect to this i example ( i was trying fetch_array. Here is my code.
$sqlGetChartData = "SELECT date, ratepersqft, location
FROM ratepersqft
WHERE project_id = 1";
$runGetChartData = $mysqli->query($sqlGetChartData);
while($rowGetChartData = $runGetChartData->fetch_array(MYSQLI_BOTH))
$arrGetChartData[] = $rowGetChartData;
print "<pre>";
这里我收到此错误 Call to a member function fetch_array() on an non-object on a non-object on line next to while condition line.我尝试使用谷歌搜索它并没有得到我的问题的结果.希望我的问题很清楚.提前致谢.
Here i am getting this error Call to a member function fetch_array() on a non-object on line next to while condition line. I tried googling it and did not get result for my problem. Hope my question is clear. Thanks in Advance.
This answer has been written very long time ago and become irrelevant.
Since then I learned the proper solution for this problem and wrote it in this answer. Please navigate there.