警告:mysqli_query() 期望参数 1 是 mysqli,字符串在

2021-12-25 00:00:00 php mysqli


警告:mysqli_query() 期望参数 1 是 mysqli,在第 6 行的 (...) 中给出的字符串

Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given in (...) on line 6



require_once 'conn.php';

$sql = "SELECT user_id, access_lvl, name FROM cms_users ";
$result = mysqli_query($sql, $conn);


这与您错误地将参数传递给 mysqli_query() 时的错误状态完全一样.假设 $conn 是您在某个时候由 new mysqli() 生成的 mysqli 连接,它应该是:

It's exactly as the error states as you're passing arguments to mysqli_query() incorrectly. Assuming $conn is your mysqli connection generated at some point by new mysqli() it should be:

$result = mysqli_query( $conn,$sql) or trigger_error(mysqli_error($conn)));

你调用它的方式是传递一个字符串,$sql 作为第一个参数.

The way you were calling it you were passing a string, $sql as the first argument.
