致命错误:在非对象上调用成员函数 prepare()

2021-12-25 00:00:00 php mysqli

这就是我必须将发送器信息构建到 php 文件以在登录页面时发送到登录页面的方式

this is how I have to build the transmitters infomation on to a php file to send to login page when it is

<form action="http://,,,.dk/activate_updater.php" method="post" name="formular" onsubmit="return validerform ()">
                                 <table border="0">
                                         <td id="tb-w_a"><p>Kategori</p></td>
                                         <select name="kategori">
                                         $query = "SELECT id_katogori, navn FROM kategori";
                                         $result = $mysqli->query($query);
                                         while(list($id_katogori, $navn) = $result->fetch_row())
                                             echo "<option value="$id_katogori">$navn</option>";  
                                         <td id="tb-w_a"><p>Djnavn</p></td>
                                         <td><input type="text" name="djnavn"></td>
                                         <td id="tb-w_a"><p>Facebook</p></td>
                                         <td><input type="text" name="facebook"></td>
                                         <td id="tb-w_a"><p>Pris</p></td>
                                         <td><input type="text" name="pris"></td>
                                         <td id="tb-w_a"><p>Booking Email</p></td>
                                         <td><input type="email" name="booking"></td>
                                         <td id="tb-w_a"><p>Mobil</p></td>
                                         <td><input type="text" name="mobil"></td>
                                         <td id="tb-w_a"><p>Upload Profil</p></td>
                                         <td><input type="file" name="profilbillede" /></td>
                             <textarea name="profiltekst" style="width:500px; height:170px;"></textarea><br />
                             <input type="submit" value="Godkend brugere" name="godkendt-brugere">


so the new page file is like this where there are errors on the page ..

     if($stmt = $mysqli->prepare('UPDATE `brugere` SET `rank`=2, `katogori`=?, `djnavn`=?, `profilbillede`=?, `profiltekst`=?, `facebook`=?, `pris`=?, `booking`=?, `mobil`=? WHERE `code`=?'))

         $stmt->bind_param('iiiiiiiis', $katogori, $djnavn, $profilbillede, $profiltekst, $facebook, $pris, $booking, $mobil, $g_code);
         //fra input ting ting..
         $katogori = $_POST["kategori"];
         $djnavn = $_POST["djnavn"];
         $profilbillede = $_POST["profilbillede"];
         $profiltekst = $_POST["profiltekst"];
         $facebook = $_POST["facebook"];
         $pris = $_POST["pris"];
         $booking = $_POST["booking"];
         $mobil = $_POST["mobil"];
         $g_code = $_GET["code"];

         header('http://....dk/ (...));
         echo 'Der opstod en fejl i erklæringen: ' . $mysqli->error;


but when it comes onto the file / page says it like this ...

致命错误:在第 2 行的/home/jesperbo/public_html/....dk/activate_updater.php 中的非对象上调用成员函数 prepare()


if($stmt = $mysqli->prepare('UPDATE `brugere` SET `rank`=2, `katogori`=?, `djnavn`=?, `profilbillede`=?, `profiltekst`=?, `facebook`=?, `pris`=?, `booking`=?, `mobil`=? WHERE `code`=?'))




发生这种情况是因为 $mysqli 不是您认为的对象.'没有正确实例化 MySQLi 类,或者它没有建立连接.执行 var_dump($mysqli) 以获取有关问题的更多信息.

This is happening because $mysqli isn't the object you think it is. Either you didn't instantiate the MySQLi class properly, or it didn't make a connection. Do a var_dump($mysqli) to get more info as to what's going wrong.
