PHP-MySQL 或 MySQLi 中哪个最快?

2021-12-25 00:00:00 php mysql mysqli


I'd like to know if anyone has any first-hand experience with this dichotomy. A few blogs say the mysql extension is faster than mysqli. Is this true?

我只问速度.我知道 mysqli 具有旧扩展中不存在的功能.

And I'm only asking about speed. I know mysqli has features that are not present in the older extension.


在我所看到的大多数基准测试报告中,MySQL 扩展比 MySQLi 快得多.然而,差异是如此之小,以至于这可能不应该成为您在两者之间做出决定的标准.

The MySQL extension is very slightly faster than MySQLi in most benchmarks I've seen reported. The difference is so slight, however, that this should probably not be your criterion for deciding between the two.

其他因素使 mysql 和 mysqli 之间的性能差异相形见绌.使用 mod_php 或 FastCGI,像 APC 这样的字节码缓存,或者明智地使用数据缓存来减少数据库命中,对于 PHP 脚本的整体性能比选择 MySQL 扩展更有益.

Other factors dwarf the difference in performance between mysql and mysqli. Using mod_php or FastCGI, a bytecode cache like APC, or using data caching judiciously to reduce database hits, are far more beneficial for overall performance of PHP scripts than the choice of MySQL extension.


Don't be penny wise and pound foolish! :-)
