mysqli_query(): 无法获取 mysqli 错误

2021-12-25 00:00:00 php mysqli

当我尝试从文本文件导入数据时,我在以下函数中收到无法获取 mysqli"错误.然而,插入功能在其他地方工作得很好.文件中的数据被正确解析,当我将其复制并粘贴到 PHPMyAdmin 时,查询工作正常.

I am receiving a "Couldn't fetch mysqli" error on the following function when trying to import data from a text file. However the insert function is working just fine in other places. The data from the file is being parsed correctly, and the query works fine when I copy and past it into PHPMyAdmin.


1. $conn = mysqli_connect("localhost","xxxxx","xxxxx","xxxx") OR die("Error!!");
2. function insert ($query){
3.  global $conn;
4.  if (!$conn) {
5.          die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error());
6.  }
7.  if (mysqli_query($conn, $query)){
8.      $result = "<b>Inserted $query</b>
<br />";
9.      return $result;
10. } else {
11.     echo "Error: ". $query . "<br />" . mysqli_error($conn);
12. }
14. mysqli_close($conn);
15. }


INSERT INTO movies VALUES( '2603', 'Miracle Season, The', 'The Miracle Season', '2019-04-01',
'2D', '9', '101', '10', 'PG', 'for some thematic elements.', '', 'Scope', '01:30:55' )

我通过 $result = insert($query); 调用函数;

I am calling the function by $result = insert($query);

无法获取 mysqli"错误在第 7 行.我也在第 11 行和第 14 行收到错误.

The "couldn't fetch mysqli" error is on line 7. I'm also getting the error on line 11 and line 14.


As I said above, the function is working fine with other scripts and the query works fine when I try to run it manually.

另外一个注意事项是插入的项目不包含自动递增 id,因为查询的第一个值已经是来自另一个数据库的唯一 id.我的导入函数检查 id 以查看它是否已经存在,并根据行是否存在运行更新或插入查询.

One additional note is the inserted items do not contain an auto increment id because the first value of the query is already a unique id from another database. My import function checks the id to see if it already exists and runs an update or insert query depending on whether the row exists.



I suspect you're calling the function multiple times. But it calls mysqli_close($conn) at the end, so when you try to use it the next time you get an error, because $conn can't be used any more.

去掉那一行,用 MySQL 脚本全部完成后关闭连接(或者不用管,脚本结束时它会自动关闭).

Get rid of that line, and close the connection when the script is all done using MySQL (or don't bother, it will be closed automatically when the script ends).
