MySQLi 准备语句与 IN 运算符

2021-12-25 00:00:00 sql php mysqli prepared-statement

我必须使用 IN 运算符从数据库中选择一些行.我想使用准备好的语句来做到这一点.这是我的代码:

I have to select some rows from the database using IN operator. I want to do it using prepared statement. This is my code:

$lastnames = array('braun', 'piorkowski', 'mason', 'nash');
$in_statement = '"' . implode('", "', $lastnames) . '"'; //"braun", "piorkowski", "mason", "nash"

$data_res = $_DB->prepare('SELECT `id`, `name`, `age` FROM `users` WHERE `lastname` IN (?)');
$data_res->bind_param('s', $in_statement);
$result = $data_res->get_result();
while ($data = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {




But returns nothing although all data exists in the database.

And one more: if i pass $in_statement directly to query and execute it, the data will be returned. So the problem appears on preparing.

I was looking for the question in Google but it wasn't' successful. What's wrong with my code?
Thanks for the help!



I've recently found the solution for my question. Maybe it's not the best way to do it, but it works nice! Prove me wrong:)

$lastnames = array('braun', 'piorkowski', 'mason', 'nash');
$arParams = array();

foreach($lastnames as $key => $value) //recreate an array with parameters explicitly passing every parameter by reference
    $arParams[] = &$lastnames[$key];

$count_params = count($arParams);

$int = str_repeat('i',$count_params); //add type for each variable (i,d,s,b); you can also determine type of the variable automatically (is_int, is_float, is_string) in loop, but i don't need it

$q = array_fill(0,$count_params,'?'); //form string of question marks for statement
$params = implode(',',$q);

$data_res = $_DB->prepare('SELECT `id`, `name`, `age` FROM `users` WHERE `lastname` IN ('.$params.')');
call_user_func_array(array($data_res, 'bind_param'), $arParams);
$result = $data_res->get_result();
while ($data = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {

