HTML5 输入类型文件的多个属性在 IE 中不起作用?

2021-12-24 00:00:00 file-upload php html

我想使用 HTML5 和 PHP5 创建一个多文件上传器.我不想使用任何 Flash 播放器来支持.iPhone 不支持 Flash 上传器.我创建了这样的表单

I want to create a multi file uploder using HTML5 and PHP5. I don't want to use any flash player for support. Flash uploader will not support in iphone. I created the form like this

<form name="uploader" method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">

    <input type="file" name="images[]" id="images" multiple="multiple" />

    <input type="submit" name="button" value="Submit" /> 


它适用于 chrome、mozilla、opera、safari……但 IE 不支持.

It is working with chrome, mozilla, opera, safari... but IE not supporting this.

我试过 IE8 和 IE9 都不支持.我怎样才能解决这个问题?哪位知道解决办法的请帮帮我.

I tried with IE8 and IE9 both are not supporting. How can I fix this? Anybody who knows the solution please kindly help me.


IE8 不支持 HTML5.也许 IE9 正在以兼容模式运行?按 F12 调出开发者工具,在顶部菜单中您可以更改其所处模式的设置.

IE8 does not support HTML5. Perhaps IE9 is running in compatibility mode? Press F12 to bring up the developer tools and in the top menu you can change the settings in what mode it is in.

也许使用基于 Java 或 Flash 的系统进行多次上传是一种解决方案.此外,这些通常也支持拖放文件.

Maybe it is a solution to use a Java or Flash based system for multiple uploads. Also, these will also usually support drag and drop of files.
