PHP:move_uploaded_file() 无法打开流:没有那个文件或目录

2021-12-24 00:00:00 file-upload php apache

我正在尝试让 PHP 将上传的文件从 tmp 目录移动到我的网络服务器上的某个永久位置.看起来很简单,但我收到了这个错误:

I'm trying to get PHP to move an uploaded file from the tmp directory to somewhere permanent on my webserver. It seems simple enough, but I'm getting this error:

无法将C:UniServer mpphp3F62.tmp"移动到static/images/slides/1/1.jpg"


Pretty straight-forward, right? It can't find the destination folder.


引用是否相对于脚本在服务器上的位置?还是相对于 URL?还是 PHP DOCUMENT_ROOT?还是操作系统的文件系统?或者别的什么?

Is the reference relative to the script's position on the server? Or is it relative to the URL? Or the PHP DOCUMENT_ROOT? Or the OS's filesystem? Or something else?

我在 PHP 文档中或在 SO.. 上的任何类似问题中都找不到答案.

I can't find the answer in the PHP documentation or indeed in any of the similar questions here on SO..


Can anyone help? Thanks.


跟踪路径的一个简单方法就是在 index.php 中定义绝对路径

A simple way to keep track of the path is just to define the absolute path in your index.php

define ('SITE_ROOT', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));


move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], SITE_ROOT.'/static/images/slides/1/1.jpg');
