SoapFault 异常:[HTTP] 获取 http 标头时出错

2021-12-24 00:00:00 exception php soap

我的 php 页面出现以下异常.

I am getting following exception in my php page.

SoapFault 异常:[HTTP] 获取 http 标头时出错

我阅读了几篇文章,发现 default_socket_timeout 需要配置.所以我设置如下.default_socket_timeout = 480

I read couple of article and found that default_socket_timeout needs configuration. so I set it as follow. default_socket_timeout = 480


I am still getting same error. Can someone help me out?


我在 Web 服务中的一个流程需要很长时间才能执行.因此,我收到了肥皂错误异常.

One of my process within web service was taking long time to execute. Therefore I was getting soapfault exeception.
