是否可以在 PHP 中咖喱方法调用?

2021-12-24 00:00:00 php soap currying

我有一个为 WSDL 文件生成的 SoapClient 实例.除了其中一个方法调用之外的所有方法都需要传递用户名和密码 id.

I have a SoapClient instance generated for a WSDL file. All except one of the method invocations require the username and the password to be passed id.


Is there any way of currying the method calls so that I can omit the username and password?


从 php 5.3 开始,您可以存储 变量中的匿名函数.这个匿名函数可以使用一些预定义的参数调用原始"函数.

As of php 5.3 you can store an anonymous function in a variable. This anonymous function can call the "original" function with some predefined parameters.

function foo($x, $y, $z) {
  echo "$x - $y - $z";

$bar = function($z) {
  foo('A', 'B', $z);



edit: You can also use a closure to parametrise the creation of the anonymous function

function foo($x, $y, $z) {
  echo "$x - $y - $z";

function fnFoo($x, $y) {
  return function($z) use($x,$y) {
    foo($x, $y, $z);

$bar = fnFoo('A', 'B');


edit2: This also works with objects

class Foo {
  public function bar($x, $y, $z) {
    echo "$x - $y - $z";

function fnFoobar($obj, $x, $z) {
  return function ($y) use ($obj,$x,$z) {
    $obj->bar($x, $y, $z);

$foo = new Foo;
$bar = fnFoobar($foo, 'A', 'C');

但是如果您想增强"一个完整的类,使用 __call() 和包装类的其他建议可能会更好.

But the other suggestions using __call() and a wrapper class may be better if you want to "enhance" a complete class.
