带有基本身份验证的 WSDL 到 PHP

2021-12-24 00:00:00 php basic-authentication soap wsdl

我需要从支持基本身份验证的 WSDL 构建 php 类.

I need to build php classes from a WSDL that is behind basic auth.


It has tons of namespaces so it looks burdensome to do this by hand.


I have tried a few tools but looks like the auth session isn't presistent.


$options = array(
     'login' => $username,
     'password' => $password,
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl, $options);

是的,它有效!我尝试了我正在构建的解决方案,它通过 HTTP 基本身份验证连接到我的客户 WS.

Yes, it works! I tried in a solution that I was building and it connects to my customer WS which is with HTTP Basic Auth.
