如何在 linux 上的 php 中启用 --enable-soap?

2021-12-24 00:00:00 fedora linux php soap

这就是问题所在.我在 Apache 上安装了 PHP 5.2.9,但无法升级 PHP.有没有办法让我在 PHP 5.2.9 中启用 SOAP?PHP 手册在说要启用 SOAP 支持,请使用 --enable-soap 配置 PHP"时根本没有帮助.如何配置?

That's much the question. I have PHP 5.2.9 on Apache and I cannot upgrade PHP. Is there a way for me to enable SOAP in PHP 5.2.9? The PHP manual did not help at all when it said, "To enable SOAP support, configure PHP with --enable-soap ." How do I configure?


让 SOAP 正常工作通常不需要从源代码编译 PHP.我建议仅将其作为最后的选择.

Getting SOAP working usually does not require compiling PHP from source. I would recommend trying that only as a last option.

为了更好的衡量,请检查您的 phpinfo 对 SOAP 扩展的说明(如果有的话):

For good measure, check to see what your phpinfo says, if anything, about SOAP extensions:

$ php -i | grep -i soap

确保缺少的是 PHP 扩展.

to ensure that it is the PHP extension that is missing.

假设您在 phpinfo 中没有看到有关 SOAP 的任何信息,请查看您可以使用哪些 PHP SOAP 包.

Assuming you do not see anything about SOAP in the phpinfo, see what PHP SOAP packages might be available to you.

在 Ubuntu/Debian 中,您可以搜索:

In Ubuntu/Debian you can search with:

$ apt-cache search php | grep -i soap

或者在 RHEL/Fedora 中你可以搜索:

or in RHEL/Fedora you can search with:

$ yum search php | grep -i soap

通常有两个 PHP SOAP 包可供您使用,通常是 php-soapphp-nusoap.php-soap 通常是您使用 --enable-soap 配置 PHP 所得到的.

There are usually two PHP SOAP packages available to you, usually php-soap and php-nusoap. php-soap is typically what you get with configuring PHP with --enable-soap.

在 Ubuntu/Debian 中,您可以安装:

In Ubuntu/Debian you can install with:

$ sudo apt-get install php-soap

或者在 RHEL/Fedora 中你可以安装:

Or in RHEL/Fedora you can install with:

$ sudo yum install php-soap


After the installation, you might need to place an ini file and restart Apache.
