PHP 使用哪个 SOAP 库?

2021-12-24 00:00:00 web-services php soap

我刚刚评论了一个与 SOAP 扩展相关的问题,我试图找到任何替代方案,但没有任何替代方案:

I just commented a question related to the SOAP extension, and I tried to find any alternative, but there isn't any:

  • SOAP 扩展 - 自 2010 年起不再支持
  • nuSOAP - 自 2010 年起不再支持
  • WSO2 - 自 2010 年起不再支持

您知道任何受支持的 SOAP 库吗?

Do you know of any supported SOAP lib?


我发现目前有 2 个支持的 PHP SOAP 库:

I found that there are currently 2 supported PHP SOAP libs:

  • BeSimple SOAP 这是一个 Symfony 边界 - 支持
    但是 它扩展了 SOAP扩展名,自 2010 年以来不受支持,目前大约有 150报告和未修复的错误(可能无法解决某些问题他们,但谁知道).

  • BeSimple SOAP which is a Symfony boundle - supported
    But it extends SOAP extension, which is not supported since 2010 and has currently about 150 reported and unfixed bugs (probably impossible to workaround some of them, but who knows).

Zend 2 SOAP - 支持

Zend 2 SOAP - supported
I think this is the best choice currently, because the developers have control over its dependencies.
