如何将 Unix 时间戳转换为 hhmmss?

2021-12-23 00:00:00 datetime time date php

如何将 Unix 时间戳(即 1286374738)转换为 hhmmss?

How to convert Unix timestamp (ie. 1286374738) to hhmmss?


date('His', $timestamp);

其中 $timestamp 包含 unix 时间戳,H = 24 小时制带前导零的小时格式,可以使用 h = 12 小时制带前导零的小时制;i = 分钟,带前导零,s = 秒,带前导零

where $timestamp contains the unix timestamp , H = 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros , can use h = 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros ; i = Minutes with leading zeros , s = Seconds, with leading zeros
