使用 PHP 在 MySQL 中查询时间结果

2021-12-23 00:00:00 time php mysql myisam

有什么方法可以获取 MySQL 查询的时间(特别是使用 PHP)?完成查询所花费的实际时间,即.

Is there a way that I can get the time of a MySQL query (specifically with PHP)? The actual time it took to complete the query, that is.

诸如:结果 1 - 10 为棕色.(0.11 秒)

Something such as: Results 1 - 10 for brown. (0.11 seconds)


I tried to look for an example, to no avail. Here is an example of my code:

                    // prepare sql statement
                $stmt = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ijl, description, source, user_id, timestamp FROM Submissions WHERE MATCH (ijl, description) AGAINST (?)");

                // bind parameters
                $stmt->bindParam(1, $search, PDO::PARAM_STR);

                // execute prepared statement

对于我目前使用 MyISAM 表引擎的全文搜索.任何帮助都是不可思议的.谢谢.

For my current full text search using a MyISAM table engine. Any help would be incredible. Thank you.


$starttime = microtime(true);

//Do your query and stuff here

$endtime = microtime(true);
$duration = $endtime - $starttime; //calculates total time taken

注意,由于 get_as_float 参数为真,这将为您提供秒(不是微秒)到最接近微秒的运行时间.见这个

NOTE that this will give you the run time in seconds(not microseconds) to the nearest microsecond due to get_as_float parameter being true. See this
