
2021-12-23 00:00:00 class oop methods php


this is the error Fatal error: Call to undefined function assign(
this is the code, as you can see i obviously have defined the function so why is it not working

class shades {
    function create($name, $shades, $slug, $shortDesc, $longDesc, $position){
        $name = sanitize_paranoid_string($name);
        $slug = slug($name);
        $shortDesc = sanitize_sql_string($shortDesc);
        $longDesc = sanitize_sql_string($longDesc);
        $query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO products (type, name, slug, shortDesc, htmlDesc, position)VALUES('shades','$name','$slug','$shortDesc','$longDesc','$position')")or die(mysql_error());  
        $ID = mysql_insert_id();
        assign($shades, $ID);
        if($query) {return true;}
        else {return false;};
    function delassign($toID){
        mysql_query("DELETE FROM assign WHERE type='shades' AND toID='$toID'")or die(mysql_error());    
    function assign($shades, $toID)
        foreach($shades as $shade)
            $result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO assign(type, typeID, toID)VALUES('shades','$shade','$toID')")or die(mysql_error());
            if($result){echo "Added!";}
            else{echo"Not Added!";}


您没有名为 assign() 的函数,但有一个具有此名称的方法.PHP 不是 Java,在 PHP 中你必须明确,如果你想调用一个函数

You dont have a function named assign(), but a method with this name. PHP is not Java and in PHP you have to make clear, if you want to call a function




在您的情况下,对函数的调用驻留在另一个方法中.$this 总是指对象本身,其中存在一个方法.

In your case the call to the function resides inside another method. $this always refers to the object, in which a method exists, itself.

