如何在 PHP 中使用 Imagick 换行文本,以便将其绘制为多行文本?

2021-12-22 00:00:00 text php imagick annotate

PHP 中的 Imagick 库允许您在图像上绘制文本.

The Imagick library in PHP allows you to draw text on top of an image.

我怎样才能告诉 Imagick 根据一些有界文本框来换行文本,以便单词显示为多行文本而不是单行?

How can I tell Imagick to wrap the text based upon some bounded text box, so that the words appear as multiline text rather than a single line?



list($lines, $lineHeight) = wordWrapAnnotation($image, $draw, $msg, 140);
for($i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++)
    $image->annotateImage($draw, $xpos, $ypos + $i*$lineHeight, 0, $lines[$i]);


/* Implement word wrapping... Ughhh... why is this NOT done for me!!!
    OK... I know the algorithm sucks at efficiency, but it's for short messages, okay?

    Make sure to set the font on the ImagickDraw Object first!
    @param image the Imagick Image Object
    @param draw the ImagickDraw Object
    @param text the text you want to wrap
    @param maxWidth the maximum width in pixels for your wrapped "virtual" text box
    @return an array of lines and line heights
function wordWrapAnnotation(&$image, &$draw, $text, $maxWidth)
    $words = explode(" ", $text);
    $lines = array();
    $i = 0;
    $lineHeight = 0;
    while($i < count($words) )
        $currentLine = $words[$i];
        if($i+1 >= count($words))
            $lines[] = $currentLine;
        //Check to see if we can add another word to this line
        $metrics = $image->queryFontMetrics($draw, $currentLine . ' ' . $words[$i+1]);
        while($metrics['textWidth'] <= $maxWidth)
            //If so, do it and keep doing it!
            $currentLine .= ' ' . $words[++$i];
            if($i+1 >= count($words))
            $metrics = $image->queryFontMetrics($draw, $currentLine . ' ' . $words[$i+1]);
        //We can't add the next word to this line, so loop to the next line
        $lines[] = $currentLine;
        //Finally, update line height
        if($metrics['textHeight'] > $lineHeight)
            $lineHeight = $metrics['textHeight'];
    return array($lines, $lineHeight);
