类型为//的干净 JavaScript 注释的正则表达式

2021-12-22 00:00:00 regex text php javascript html

我正在使用以下 REGEXP:

I´m using the following REGEXP:

$output = preg_replace( "///(.*)\n/", "", $output );

代码运行良好但是!!!!,当 URL 像 (http://this_is_not_a_comment.com/kickme) 时,代码会替换它... (http://)

The code works well BUT!!!!, when a URL like (http://this_is_not_a_comment.com/kickme), the code replaces it... (http://)

你能做些什么来不替换这些 URL.

What can you do to no replace that URLs.




You need a regular expression that can distinguish between the code and the comments. In particular, since the sequence of // can either be in a string or a comment, you just need to distinguish between strings and comments.


Here’s an example that might do this:


在替换函数中使用它,同时用第一个子模式的匹配替换匹配的字符串,然后应该能够删除 // 样式注释.

Using this in a replace function while replacing the matched string with the match of the first subpattern should then be able to remove the // style comments.


  • [^/"']+ 匹配任何不是注释开头的字符(//…>/*...*/) 或一个字符串
  • /*(?:[^*]|*+[^*/])**+/ 匹配 /* ...*/ 样式注释
  • "(?:[^"\]|\.)*" 匹配双引号中的字符串
  • '(?:[^'\]|\.)*' 匹配单引号中的字符串
  • //.* 最终匹配 //... 样式注释.
  • [^/"']+ matches any character that is not the begin of a comment (both //… and /*…*/) or of a string
  • /*(?:[^*]|*+[^*/])**+/ matches the /* … */ style comments
  • "(?:[^"\]|\.)*" matches a string in double quotes
  • '(?:[^'\]|\.)*' matches a string in single quotes
  • //.* finally matches the //… style comments.

由于前三个结构被分组在一个捕获组中,匹配的字符串可用并且当用第一个子模式的匹配替换匹配的字符串时没有任何改变.仅当 //... 样式的注释匹配时,第一个子模式的匹配项为空,因此它被替换为空字符串.

As the first three constructs are grouped in a capturing group, the matched string is available and nothing is changed when replacing the matched string with the match of the first subpattern. Only if a //… style comment is matched the match of the first subpattern is empty and thus it’s replaced by an empty string.


But note that this may fail. I’m not quite sure if it works for any input.
