在“附加信息区域"上显示单一和可变产品的 SKU

我正在尝试在单个产品附加信息选项卡的表格行中显示产品的 SKU.

I'm trying to display the product's SKU inside the table row of single products Additional Information tab.

我尝试使用 woocommerce_display_product_attributes 过滤器并显示它(下面是我的代码示例),但它仅适用于简单产品.

I tried using the woocommerce_display_product_attributes filter and have it displayed (sample of my code below) but it only works with simple product.

When using variable products with different SKU, the field are not updated when (dropdown select) variation is selected and only show blank.有没有合适的方法来做到这一点?

When using variable products with different SKU, the field are not updated when (dropdown select) variation is selected and only show blank. Is there a proper way to do this?


// Displays SKU/Part# to Single product Additional information table rows
add_filter('woocommerce_display_product_attributes', 'wc_display_sku_additional_info_table', 10, 2);
function wc_display_sku_additional_info_table( $product_attributes, $product ){
    // Get product SKU
    $get_sku = ( $sku = $product->get_sku() ) ? $sku : esc_html__( 'N/A', 'woocommerce' );

    $product_attributes[] = [
        'label' => __('SKU', 'woocommerce'),
        'value' => $get_sku,
    return $product_attributes;



This should suffice, comment with explanation added to my code

  • 对于 singlevariable 产品,SKU 表行会添加到附加信息选项卡中.
  • SKU 表行根据variable 产品的下拉选择菜单进行相应更新
  • For both single and variable products, a SKU table row is added to the additional information tab.
  • SKU table row is updated accordingly with the dropdown select menu for variable products
function display_product_attributes( $product_attributes, $product ) {
    // Simple product
    if ( $product->is_type('simple' ) ) {
        // Get product SKU
        $get_sku = ( $sku = $product->get_sku() ) ? $sku : esc_html__( 'N/A', 'woocommerce' );

        // Add
        $product_attributes[ 'sku-field sku-field-single' ] = array(
            'label' => __('SKU', 'woocommerce'),
            'value' => $get_sku,

    // Variable product
    elseif ( $product->is_type('variable' ) ) {
        // Get childIDs in an array
        $children_ids = $product->get_children();

        // Loop
        foreach ( $children_ids as $child_id ) {
            // Get product
            $product = wc_get_product( $child_id ); 

            // Get product SKU
            $get_sku = ( $sku = $product->get_sku() ) ? $sku : esc_html__( 'N/A', 'woocommerce' );

            // Add
            $product_attributes[ 'sku-field sku-field-variable sku-field-variable-' . $child_id ] = array(
                'label' => __('SKU', 'woocommerce'),
                'value' => $get_sku,
        jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
            // Hide all rows
            $( '.sku-field-variable' ).css( 'display', 'none' );

            // Change
            $( 'input.variation_id' ).change( function() {
                // Hide all rows
                $( '.sku-field-variable' ).css( 'display', 'none' );

                if( $( 'input.variation_id' ).val() != '' ) {
                    var var_id = $( 'input.variation_id' ).val();

                    // Display current
                    $( '.sku-field-variable-' + var_id ).css( 'display', 'table-row' );

    return $product_attributes;
add_filter('woocommerce_display_product_attributes', 'display_product_attributes', 10, 2);
