PHP 错误:注意:未定义索引:

2021-12-21 00:00:00 indexing variables undefined php

我正在用 PHP 处理购物车,但似乎在各种地方都收到此错误注意:未定义索引:".错误是指不同地方编码的相似位.例如,我有一段代码可以计算用户决定订阅的月份的套餐价格.我有以下错误所指的变量:

I am working on a shopping cart in PHP and I seem to be getting this error "Notice: Undefined index:" in all sorts of places. The error refers to the similar bit of coding in different places. For example I have a piece of coding that calculates a package price with the months a user decides to subscribe. I have the following variables where the errors refers to:

    $month = $_POST['month'];
    $op = $_POST['op'];

$month 变量是用户在表单中输入的数字,$op 变量是不同的包,其值存储在用户从表单上的单选按钮中选择的变量中.

The $month variable is the number the user inputs in a form, and the $op variable is different packages whose value are stored in a vriable that a user selects from radio buttons on the form.


I hope that is clear in some way.



Sorry forgot to mention that they do go away when the user submits the data. But when they first come to the page it displays this error. How I can get rid of it so it doesnt display it?



    $pack_1 = 3;
    $pack_2 = 6;
    $pack_3 = 9;
    $pack_4 = 12;
    $month = $_POST['month'];
    $op = $_POST['op'];
    $action = $_GET['action'];

    if ( $op == "Adopter" ) {
       $answer = $pack_1 * $month;

    if ( $op == "Defender" ) {
      $answer = $pack_2 * $month;

    if ( $op == "Protector" ) {
      $answer = $pack_3 * $month;

    if ( $op == "Guardian" ) {
      $answer = $pack_4 * $month;

    switch($action) {   
        case "adds":



You're attempting to access indicies within an array which are not set. This raises a notice.

很可能您现在已经注意到它,因为您的代码已移至 php.ini 将 error_reporting 设置为包含 E_NOTICE 的服务器.通过将 error_reporting 设置为 E_ALL & 来抑制通知~E_NOTICE(不推荐),或者在尝试访问之前验证索引是否存在:

Mostly likely you're noticing it now because your code has moved to a server where php.ini has error_reporting set to include E_NOTICE. Either suppress notices by setting error_reporting to E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE (not recommended), or verify that the index exists before you attempt to access it:

$month = array_key_exists('month', $_POST) ? $_POST['month'] : null;
