
2021-12-21 00:00:00 redirect php cakephp login cakephp-1.3

我有一个名为 Accounts 的控制器,带有登录和注销视图.

I have a controller called Accounts, with the views signin and signout.


function signin()
    if (!empty($this->data)) 
        //handle login
        //save login to session
        $this->Session->write('Account',  $data["Account"]);
        //redirect to previous page

function signout()
    //delete login
    //redirect to previous page

如果用户转到 accounts/signin 它首先检查表单是否被提交 if(!empty($this->data)) 如果是,它会登录它们,如果不是,它会呈现登录表单.如果他们成功登录,我想将他们重定向到他们在登录页面之前所在的页面.

If the user goes to accounts/signin it first checks to see if the form is submited if(!empty($this->data)) if yes, it logs them in, if not it renders the signin form. If they do succesfully log in, I want to redirect them to the page they were at before the signin page.


我不认为我可以使用常规的 http 引荐来源网址,因为从技术上讲,引荐来源网址将始终是登录页面,因为他们转到 /signin,然后提交登录表单.因此,在提交表单时,引用者始终是 /signin.我想重定向到他们之前所在的位置.有意义吗?

I do not think I can user a regular http referrer because technically the referrer will always be the signin in page because they go to /signin, then submit the sign in form. So at the point where the form is submited the referrer is always /signin. I want to redirect to where they were before that. Does that make sense?



使用隐藏的 字段,该字段保存初始引用者并与登录数据一起提交.

Use a hidden <input> field that holds the initial referrer and gets submitted with the login data.
