如何在 C# 中反序列化 PHP 序列化数组/变量/类并返回合适的对象

2021-12-21 00:00:00 serialization php c# cross-language

目标是反序列化 PHP 序列化 字符串并在 C# 中获取 sutable 对象

The goal is to unserialize a PHP serialized string and get sutable object in C#

有什么办法可以在 C#(.Net) 中实现这一点?

Is there any way to make this possible in C#(.Net)?

更具体地说:我们需要制作一个应用程序,该应用程序可以(通过 HTTP)与返回所需信息的特定网站进行通信.幸运/不幸的是,我们没有访问网站的权限,因此数据 (array 大多数)从网站返回的是 PHP 序列化.

To be more specific: We need to make an application which comunicates (Via HTTP) to specific website which returns the needed information. Fortunately/unfortunately we dont have permission to website so the data (array mostly) that is returned from website is PHP serialized.


我认为使用 JSON 作为中间步骤可能会很有用.

I suppose using JSON as an intermediary step could be useful.
