关于 PHP 错误 Apache 给出 500 错误

2021-12-21 00:00:00 php apache cakephp

每次我在任何 PHP 中遇到错误时,我的本地 Apache 服务器都会给我一个 500 内部服务器错误.我的任何 CakePHP 项目似乎从来没有问题,但这是普通的 PHP,它真的会拖慢进度,不得不猜测错误.

Everytime I get an error in any of my PHP, my local Apache server gives me a 500 Internal Server error. I never seem to have problems with any of my CakePHP projects, but this is plain vanilla PHP and it is really slowing down progress having to guess at the error.


使用以下 PHP 代码启用错误报告:

Enable error reporting using the following PHP code:


PHP 文档
