intl PHP 扩展不适用于 xampp 服务器

2021-12-21 00:00:00 php cakephp

我正在尝试安装 CakePHP 3-0-0 版本并且我已经从 此处.但它显示启用intl extension 的错误.因为我已经在 php.ini 文件中将 ;extension=php_intl.dll 更改为 extension=php_intl.dll (删除分号)并重新启动xampp 2-3 次,但仍然显示相同的错误.

I am trying to install CakePHP 3-0-0 version and I have downloaded the source code from here. But it is showing the error of enable intl extension. As I have already changed ;extension=php_intl.dll to extension=php_intl.dll (remove the semicolon) in php.ini file and restart xampp 2-3 times, but still it is showing that same error.


Fatal error: You must enable the intl extension to use CakePHP. in D:xampphtdocscakephp-3-0-0configootstrap.php on line 38


So, can anyone please tell me what is the issue here? And what should I do to resolved this issue?


一旦你激活了php.ini文件中的php_intl.dll,你还需要复制的dll文件php_intl.dll 使用从 PHP 文件夹到 Apache/bin 文件夹.

Once you have activated the php_intl.dll in the php.ini file you also need to copy the dll files that php_intl.dll uses from the PHP folder to the Apache/bin folder.

我不是 XAMPP 用户,所以我不确定实际的文件夹名称

I am not a XAMPP user so I am not sure of the actual folder names

复制 xampp/php/icu*.dll 到 xampapachein

copy xampp/php/icu*.dll to xampapachein

还要记住,您必须编辑位于 xamppapachein 文件夹中的 php.ini 文件,而不是 xamppphp 文件夹中的文件文件夹.

Also remember that you have to edit the php.ini file that lives in the xamppapachein folder and not the one in the xamppphp folder.

xamppphp 文件夹中的那个只被 PHP CLI(命令行界面)使用

The one in the xamppphp folder only gets used by PHP CLI (Command Line Interface)
