CakePhp 中的 unbindModel 调用.它是如何工作的?

2021-12-21 00:00:00 php cakephp

unbindModel 在蛋糕中是如何发生的?

How does unbindModel happen in cake?

$this->User->unbindModel(array('hasAndBelongsToMany' => array('Friend')));

我在一个函数的开头写了这个.但它仍然查询朋友"模型.在函数中间有一个对 paginate() 的调用.所以我认为分页器可能会生成查询.

I wrote this in the beginning of a function. But still it queries the 'Friend' model. There was a call to paginate() in the middle of the function. So I thought the paginator might be generating the queries.

我确实在 paginate 之前添加了一个 unbindModel 调用,现在它可以工作了.

I did added an unbindModel call just before paginate and it now works.

$this->User->unbindModel(array('hasAndBelongsToMany' => array('Friend')));
$user = $this->paginate("User", array("User.first_name LIKE" => $user["User"]["first_name"]));

unbindModel 是否会解除每个查询的绑定?还是在整个函数调用过程中解除绑定?

Does unbindModel unbind every query? or does it unbind during the entire function call?



使用 bind- 和 unbindModel() 删除或添加关联仅适用于下一个模型操作,除非第二个参数已设置为 false.如果第二个参数已设置为 false,则绑定在请求的其余部分保持不变.

Removing or adding associations using bind- and unbindModel() only works for the next model operation unless the second parameter has been set to false. If the second parameter has been set to false, the bind remains in place for the remainder of the request.

换句话说,在你 pagination()find() 或对模型执行任何其他操作后,解除绑定将被逆转.

In other words, after you paginate() or find() or do anything else with the model, the unbinding will be reversed.
