Cakephp 3 路由与语言参数

2021-12-21 00:00:00 routing php cakephp-3.0 cakephp

我正在尝试将 cakephp 2.x 转换为 3.x.我正在使用 Router::connect() 规则,但我尝试将它们转换为范围版本.

I'm trying to convert cakephp 2.x to 3.x. I was using Router::connect() rules, but I try to convert them to scope version.

关于 myold 路由规则,在 config/routes.php 中我添加了这个.

Regarding to myold routing rule, in config/routes.php I added this.

  Router::scope('/', function ($routes) {

    $routes->connect('/:language/:controller/:action/*', ['language' => 'ar|de|en|fr']);
    $routes->connect('/:language/:controller', ['action' => 'index', 'language' => 'ar|de|en|fr']);
    $routes->connect('/:language', ['controller' => 'Mydefault', 'action' => 'index', 'language' => 'ar|de|en|fr']);

    $routes->redirect('/gohere/*', ['controller' => 'Mycontroller', 'action' => 'myaction'], ['persist' => array('username')]);

    $routes->connect('/', ['controller' => 'Mydefault', 'action' => 'index']);


  • 但这在 中失败了.我收到此错误:Error:worksController could not be found. 因为我的控制器文件是 WorksController.php.
    • But this fails in I get this error: Error: worksController could not be found. Because my controller file is WorksController.php.
    • 控制器名称部分是否挂在句子 casein cakephp 3 上?控制器约定

      Does controller name part hanged to sentence casein cakephp 3 ?

      • 还有 给出了这个错误:Error: barController could not be found..但是 foo 是控制器,bar 是动作.
      • Also gives this error: Error: barController could not be found.. But foo is controller and bar is action.


      How can I fix this routing problem ?

      Route::defaultRouteClass('Route') 更改为 Route::defaultRouteClass('InflectedRoute') 解决了问题 1.但问题 2 存在.

      Changing Route::defaultRouteClass('Route') to Route::defaultRouteClass('InflectedRoute') solved problem 1. But problem 2 exists.


      选项,例如路由元素模式,必须通过 Router::connect() 的第三个参数传递,>$options 参数.

      Options, such as route element patterns, must be passed via the third argument of Router::connect(), the $options argument.


          ['action' => 'index', 'language' => 'ar|de|en|fr'

      将捕获您的 /foo/bar URL,它将匹配 foo:language 元素,以及 bar:controller 元素的代码>.基本上,URL 数组中的 language 键将被视为默认值,并且它始终会被 :language 元素值覆盖.

      will catch your /foo/bar URL, it will match foo for the :language element, and bar for the :controller element. Basically the language key in the URL array will be treated as the default value, and it will always be overwritten by the :language element value.


      The correct way of defining the route is:

          ['action' => 'index'],
          ['language' => 'ar|de|en|fr']


      The other routes need to be adapted accordingly.

      另见Cookbook > Routing > Connecting Routes

      See also Cookbook > Routing > Connecting Routes
