CakePHP 3 原始 SQL 查询

2021-12-21 00:00:00 model php cakephp-3.0 cakephp

我使用的是 CakePHP 3,我需要对多个表运行原始 SQL 查询.在 CakePHP 2 中,这可以通过在任何模型( $this->Messages->query("select..") )上使用 query() 方法来完成.

I'm using CakePHP 3, I need to run a raw SQL query on multiple tables. In CakePHP 2, this could be done by using the query() method on any model ( $this->Messages->query("select..") ).

我需要允许我在 CakePHP 3 中运行 SQL 查询的方法.以下是我使用的代码片段:

I need the method that allows me to run a SQL query in CakePHP 3. Following is the code snippet I'm using:

$aumTable = TableRegistry::get('Messages');
$sql = "SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `messages`) AS `Total_Count`,
        (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `messages_output`) AS `Total_Output_Count`,
        (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `messages_output` WHERE `is_success`=1) AS `Total_Successful_Output_Count`,
        (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `messages_output` WHERE `is_success`=0) AS `Total_Error_Output_Count`,
        (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `users`) AS `Total_User_Count`;";

// to run this raw SQL query what method should i use? query() doesn't work..
// $result = $aumTable->query($sql); ??
// $result = $aumTable->sql($sql); ??

如果您能提供指向 CakePHP 3 模型文档的链接,我可以在其中找到此信息,那也会很有帮助.我尝试在 google 上搜索,但只能找到与 CakePHP 2 相关的问题.

If you can provide links to CakePHP 3 model documentation where I can find this info, that would be helpful too. I tried searching on google but could only find questions related to CakePHP 2.



First you need to add the ConnectionManager:

use CakeDatasourceConnectionManager;


Then you need to get your connection like so:

// my_connection is defined in your database config
$conn = ConnectionManager::get('my_connection');



After that you can run a custom query like this:

$stmt = $conn->execute('UPDATE posts SET published = ? WHERE id = ?', [1, 2]);



And then you are ready to fetch the row(s) like this:

// Read one row.
$row = $stmt->fetch('assoc');

// Read all rows.
$rows = $stmt->fetchAll('assoc');

// Read rows through iteration.
foreach ($rows as $row) {
    // Do work

