CakePHP 中的 base_url

2021-12-21 00:00:00 php cakephp

在大多数 Web 应用程序中,我们需要全局变量 base_url.在 cakephp 中获取 base_url 目前我将以下代码放在 app_controller.php 中的 beforeRender 方法

In most web applications we need global var base_url. In cakephp to get base_url currently i put the following code on beforeRender method in app_controller.php

function beforeRender(){
    $this->set('base_url', 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].Router::url('/'));

还有什么办法吗?意味着是否有任何全局变量可用于获取基本 url 而不是这个?

Is there any alternative? Means is there any global variable available to get the base url rather than this?



Yes, there is. In your view, you may access:

<?php echo $this->webroot; ?>

此外,您的主机信息存储在 $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] 变量中,以防万一.

Also, your host information is stored in the $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] variable in case you want that.

在您的控制器中,如果您想要完整的 URL,请使用:

In your controller, if you want full URLs, use this:

Router::url('/', true);
