PHP MVC:控制器中的依赖项太多?

我正在做一个个人 HMVC 项目:

I'm working on a personal HMVC project:

  • 没有服务定位器,没有全局状态(如 staticglobal),没有单例.
  • 模型处理封装在服务中(服务 = 域对象 + 存储库 + 数据映射器).
  • 所有控制器都扩展了一个抽象控制器.
  • 所有项目依赖都通过Auryn依赖注入容器注入.
  • No service locators, no global state (like static or global), no singletons.
  • The model handling is encapsulated in services (service = domain objects + repositories + data mappers).
  • All controllers extend an abstract controller.
  • All project dependencies are injected through Auryn dependency injection container.


All needed dependencies are injected in the constructor of the abstract controller. If I want to override this constructor, then I have to pass all these dependencies in the child controller's constructor too.

class UsersController extends AbstractController {

    private $authentication;

    public function __construct(
        Config $config
        , Request $request
        , Session $session
        , View $view
        , Response $response
        , Logger $logger
        , Authentication $authentication // Domain model service
    ) {
        parent::__construct(/* All dependencies except authentication service */);
        $this->authentication = $authentication;

    // Id passed by routing.
    public function authenticateUser($id) {
        // Use the authentication service...



The dependencies list would further grow. This needs to change. So I was thinking about:

  • 将控制器与视图完全分开.
    然后他们将共享服务层.视图不再属于控制器,Response 将成为视图的依赖项.
  • 在控制器中使用setter 注入
    例如RequestSessionLogger 等;
  • 在控制器动作中注入依赖
  • 使用装饰器模式.
  • 实施一些工厂.
  • 为了构造函数仅在子控制器上注入所需的依赖项.
    所以不再在 AbstractController 中.
  • Totally separate controllers from views.
    They would then share the service layer. The views wouldn't belong to controllers anymore and the Response would be a dependency of the views.
  • Use setter injection in controllers
    Like for Request, Session, Logger, etc;
  • Inject dependencies in the controller actions
    Only when needed.
    Like for Request, Session, Logger, etc;
  • Use decorator pattern.
    Like for logging after an action call.
  • Implement some factories.
  • To constructor inject only the needed dependencies only on child controllers.
    So not in AbstractController anymore.


I'm trying to find an elegant way to deal with this task and I'll appreciate any suggestions. Thank you.


我会回答我自己的问题.当我编写它时,我已经很好地概述了许多有经验的开发人员关于 MVC 和 MVC 结构中的依赖注入的建议.

I'll answer to my own question. When I wrote it I already had a good overview of what many experienced developers recommend regarding dependency injection in MVC and MVC structure.

  • 构造函数注入是正确的选择.但它似乎我认为,按照这一行,我最终会得到太多构造函数中的依赖项/参数.因此给控制器太多的责任(读取请求的值,改变域对象的状态、日志操作、请求视图加载模板并呈现数据等).
  • Setter 注入 也是一个需要考虑的解决方案.但是,在我项目的开发过程中,我意识到这个解决方案真的不适合(至少)我的控制器-视图关系.
  • 将依赖项直接注入控制器行动也让我感到困难(但很开心),记住我已经将 url 值作为操作参数注入,并且我没有使用任何路由调度程序.
  • 实施工厂也是一个好主意,以便能够在每个控制器操作中都有对象可供我使用.工厂是一个很好用的工具,但前提是需要的运行时对象,而不仅仅是减少数量构造函数中的依赖项.
  • 装饰模式也是一个不错的选择.但是,例如,如果您想在控制器操作中记录某些内容,那么这不是解决方案:您仍然必须将记录器作为依赖项传递(在构造函数、setter 或动作中).
  • 我想过只注入所需的依赖项子控制器.但是接下来的问题是多相应控制者的职责保持不变.
  • The constructor injection is the proper option. But it seemed to me that, following this line, I'll end up with too many dependencies/arguments in constructors. Therefore giving controllers too many responsibilities (reading the requested values, changing the state of the domain objects, logging operations, requesting the view to load the templates and to render the data, etc).
  • Setter injection was also a solution to take in consideration. But, in the course of the developing time on my project, I realised that this solution really didn't fit (at least) into the picture of my controller-view relationships.
  • The injection of the dependencies directly into the controller actions caused me hard-time (but great time) too, having in mind that I already had the url values injected as action arguments and that I didn't used any routing dispatchers.
  • Implementing factories was also a great idea, in order to be able to have objects at my disposal within each controller action. Factories are a great tool to use, but only going from the premise of needed run-time objects, not of just reducing the number of dependencies in constructors.
  • Decorator pattern is also a good alternative. But if, for example, you want to log something within a controller action, then this is not a solution: you still have to pass a logger as dependency (in constructor, setter or action).
  • I had a thought about injecting the needed dependencies only on child controllers. But then the problem of multiple responsibilities of the corresponding controllers remains the same.

因此,无论我做了什么,这些解决方案似乎都不适合我的 HMVC 项目的结构.所以,我进一步挖掘,直到我意识到缺失的环节是什么.为此,我非常感谢 Tom Butler,他撰写了以下精彩文章:

So, none of this solutions seemed to entirely fit into the structure of my HMVC project, whatever I did. So, i dug further, until I realised what the missing link was. For this I give my whole appreciation to Tom Butler, the creator of the following great articles:

  • 模型-视图-混淆第 1 部分:视图从这模型
  • 模型-视图-混淆第 2 部分:MVC 模型不是域模型

他的作品基于对 MVC 概念的深入、充分论证的分析.它们不仅很容易理解,而且还可以通过不言自明的例子来支持.一句话:对 MVC 和开发者社区的精彩贡献.

His works are based on an in-depth, well argumented analyse of the MVC concepts. They are not only very easy to follow, but also sustained by self-explanatory examples. In a word: a wonderful contribution to the MVC and developer community.

我接下来要写的只是用我自己的话来介绍他的原则,考虑以某种方式完成它们,提供更简洁的视角,并展示我在实施时遵循的步骤他们在我的项目中.此处描述的主题、想法和原则以及工作流程的所有功劳均归功于 Tom Butler.

What I'll write further is meant to be just a presentation of his principles with my own words, having in mind to somehow complete them, to provide a compacter perspective of them and to show the steps followed by me when I implemented them in my project. All credit on the subject, ideas and principles and workflows depicted here goes to Tom Butler.

那么,我的 HMVC 项目中缺少的链接是什么?它被命名为关注分离.

So, what was the missing link in my HMVC project? It's named SEPARATION OF CONCERNS.

为简单起见,我将尝试通过仅将自己称为一个控制器、一个控制器操作、一个视图、一个模型(域对象)和一个模板(文件)来解释这一点,并将它们引入 User上下文.

For simplicity I'll try to explain this by referring myself to only one controller, one controller action, one view, one model (domain object) and one template (file), introducing them into a User context.

Web 上描述最多的 MVC 概念 - 也由我研究过的一些流行框架实现 - 以让控制器控制视图和模型的原则为中心.为了在屏幕上显示一些东西,你必须告诉控制器——他进一步通知视图加载和渲染模板.如果这个显示过程也暗示使用一些模型数据,那么控制器也会操纵模型.

The MVC concept most described on web - and also implemented by some popular frameworks that I studied - is centered around the principle of giving the controller the control over the view and the model. In order to display something on screen you'll have to tell that to the controller - he further notifies the view to load and render the template. If this display process implies the use of some model data too, then the controller manipulates the model too.


In a classical way, the controller creation and action calling process involve two steps:

  • 创建控制器 - 将所有依赖项传递给它,视图包含在内;
  • 调用控制器操作.


$controller = new UserController(/* Controller dependencies */);

$controller->{action}(/* Action dependencies */);


This implies, that the controller is responsible for, well, everything. So, no wonder why a controller must be injected with so many dependencies.


But should the controller be involved in, or responsible for effectively displaying any kind of information on the screen? No. This should be the responsibility of the view. In order to achieve this let's begin separating the view from the controller - going from the premise of not needing any model yet. The involved steps would be:

  • 定义一个 output 方法,用于在屏幕上显示信息查看.
  • 创建控制器 - 将所有依赖项传递给它,除了视图及其相关依赖项(响应、模板对象等).
  • 创建视图 - 将相应的依赖项传递给它(响应、模板对象等).
  • 调用控制器操作.
  • 调用视图的output方法:
  • Define an output method for displaying information on screen in the view.
  • Create the controller - passing it all dependencies, excepting the view and its related dependencies (response, template object, etc).
  • Create the view - passing it the corresponding dependencies (response, template object, etc).
  • Call the controller action.
  • Call the output method of the view:


class UserView {
    // Display information on screen.
    public function output () {
        return $this

$controller = new UserController(/* (less) controller dependencies */);
$view = new UserView(/* View dependencies */);

$controller->{action}(/* Action dependencies */);
echo $view->output();


By accomplishing the five upper steps we managed to completely decouple the controller from the view.


But, there is an aspect, that we hypothesised earlier: we did not made use of any model. So what's the role of the controller in this constellation then? The answer is: none. The controller should exist only as a middlemann between some storage place (database, file system, etc) and the view. Otherwise, e.g. only to output some information in a certain format on screen, is the output method of the view fully sufficient.


Things change if a model is beeing brought on the scene. But where should it be injected? In the controller or in the view? In both. They share the same model instance. In this moment the controller gains the role of the middleman - between storage and view - in his own right. A theoretical form would be:

$model = new UserModel;
$controller = new UserController($model, /* Other controller dependencies */);
$view = new UserView($model, /* Other view dependencies */);

$controller->{action}(/* Action dependencies */);
echo $view->output();


Doing so, the controller can change the state of the model and ensure that it's saved in the storage system. The same model instance, respective its state, is read by the view and displayed. The controller passes display logic informations to the view through the model. The problem is, that these informations don't belong to the business logic, which a model is supposed to exclusively have. They are only display logic participants.


In order to avoid giving display logic responsibilities to the model, we have to introduce a new component in the picture: the view-model. Instead of sharing a model object, the controller and the view will share a view-model instance. Only this one will receive the model as dependency. An implementation:

$model = new UserModel;
$viewModel = new UserViewModel($model, /* Other view-model dependencies */);
$controller = new UserController($viewModel /* Other controller dependencies */);
$view = new UserView($viewModel, /* Other view dependencies */);

$controller->{action}(/* Action dependencies */);
echo $view->output();


And the workflow can be described like this:

  • 请求值由浏览器(用户")发送到控制器.
  • 控制器将它们作为属性存储在视图模型实例中(数据成员),因此改变了显示逻辑状态视图模型.
  • 在其 output 方法中,视图从视图模型并请求模型查询其上的存储
  • 模型运行相应的查询并将结果传回给视图.
  • 视图读取并将它们传递给相应的模板.
  • 模板渲染后,结果显示在屏幕上.
  • The request values are sent by the browser ("the user") to the controller.
  • The controller stores them in the view-model instance as properties (data members), therefore changing the display logic state of the view-model.
  • Within its output method, the view reads the values from the view-model and requests the model to query the storage on their basis.
  • The model runs the corresponding query and passes the results back to the view.
  • The view reads and passes them to the corresponding template.
  • After template rendering, the results are displayed on the screen.


The view-model does not belong to the domain model, where all domain objects reside and the real business logic takes place. It does also not belong to the service layer, which manipulates the domain objects, repositories and data mappers. It belongs to the application model, e.g to the place where the application logic takes place. The view-model obtains the sole responsibility of gaining display logic state from the controller and conducting it to the controller.


As can be seen, only the view-model "touches" the model. Both, the controller and the view were not only completely decoupled from each other, but also from the model. The most important aspect of this approach is, that each of all the components involved gains only the responsibilities, that it is supposed to gain.


By making use of this kind of component separation and of a dependency injection container, the problem of too many dependencies in controllers vanishes. And one can apply a combination of all options presented in my question in a really flexible manner. Without having in mind that one of the components (model, view or controller) gains too many responsibilities.
