
我有一个包含 8 列和可变行数的表单,我需要以格式良好的电子邮件将其通过电子邮件发送给客户.该表单将所需字段作为多维数组提交.粗略的例子如下:

I have a form that has 8 columns and a variable number of rows which I need to email to the client in a nicely formatted email. The form submits the needed fields as a multidimensional array. Rough example is below:

<input name="order[0][topdiameter]" type="text" id="topdiameter0" value="1" size="5" />
<input name="order[0][bottomdiameter]" type="text" id="bottomdiameter0" value="1" size="5" />
<input name="order[0][slantheight]" type="text" id="slantheight0" value="1" size="5" />
<select name="order[0][fittertype]" id="fittertype0">
    <option value="harp">Harp</option>
    <option value="euro">Euro</option>
    <option value="bulbclip">Regular</option>
<input name="order[0][washerdrop]" type="text" id="washerdrop0" value="1" size="5" />
<select name="order[0][fabrictype]" id="fabrictype">
    <option value="linen">Linen</option>
    <option value="pleated">Pleated</option>
<select name="order[0][colours]" id="colours0">
    <option value="beige">Beige</option>
    <option value="white">White</option>
    <option value="eggshell">Eggshell</option>
    <option value="parchment">Parchment</option>
<input name="order[0][quantity]" type="text" id="quantity0" value="1" size="5" />


This form is formatted in a table, and rows can be added to it dynamically. What I've been unable to do is get a properly formatted table out of the array.


This is what I'm using now (grabbed from the net).

if (isset($_POST["submit"])) {
$arr= $_POST['order']
echo '<table>';
foreach($arr as $arrs)
    echo '<tr>';
    foreach($arrs as $item)
        echo "<td>$item</td>";
    echo '</tr>';

echo '</table>;

这对于单行数据非常有效.如果我尝试从表单提交 2 行或更多行,则其中一列会消失.我希望表格的格式为:

This works perfectly for a single row of data. If I try submitting 2 or more rows from the form then one of the columns disappears. I'd like the table to be formatted as:

| top | Bottom | Slant | Fitter | Washer | Fabric | Colours | Quantity |
|value| value  | value | value  | value  | value  |  value  |  value   |


with additional rows as needed. But, I can't find any examples that will generate that type of table!


It seems like this should be something fairly straightforward, but I just can't locate an example that works the way I need it too.


在您的 HTML 中,尝试如下操作:

In your HTML, try something like this:

<?php foreach ($_POST['order'] as $order): ?>
    <td><?php echo $order['bottomdiameter'] ?></td>
    <td><?php echo $order['slantheight'] ?></td>
    <td><?php echo $order['fittertype'] ?></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>


Obviously, I'm not including all your attributes there, but hopefully you get the idea.
