
2021-12-21 00:00:00 function multidimensional-array php

我正在尝试用 php 编写购物车,但在多维数组中获取/设置值时遇到问题.我将当前订单保存在 $_SESSION['basket'] 中.看起来像这样:

I am trying to write a shoping cart in php and I have a problem with get/set values in multidimentional arrays. I keep the current order in $_SESSION['basket']. It looks like that:

[basket] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [pid] => 3
                    [name] => Camera
                    [price] => 200.99
                    [quantity] => 1


            [1] => Array
                    [pid] => 5
                    [name] => Computer
                    [price] => 320.99
                    [quantity] => 1

                    [extras] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [pid] => 86
                                    [name] => RAM
                                    [price] => 99
                                    [qty] => 1

                            [1] => Array
                                    [pid] => 98
                                    [name] => CD-ROM
                                    [price] => 19.99
                                    [qty] => 1



每一项都存储为一个子数组.我有一个函数,它检查给定的项目是否存在于 basket 数组中并返回它的路径.例如,如果我想检查具有 id 98 (CD-Rom) 的产品,该函数返回以下路径:1:extras:1.

Every item is stored as a subarray. I have a function, which checks if a given item exists in the basket array and returns the path to it. For example, if I want to check for a product with id 98 (CD-Rom), the function returns the following path: 1:extras:1.

如果我想在数组中获取或设置一个值,我无法弄清楚如何使用路径.是否可以在不使用 eval() 的情况下构造数组键的路径?我有这些功能:

I cant figure out how to use the path if I want to get or a set a value in the array. Is it possible to construct the path to an array key, without the use of eval()? I have these functions:

 function get_val($array, $path, $key) {
    //some code
    return eval('return '.$array.$path.$key.';');

所以,$price = get_val($_SESSION['basket'], $path, 'price');应该返回 CD-ROM 的价格 (19.99)

So, $price = get_val($_SESSION['basket'], $path, 'price'); should return the price for CD-ROM (19.99)

 function set_val($array, $path, $key, $value) {
    //some code
    $str =  eval(''.$array.$path.$key.';');
    $str = $value;

set_val($_SESSION['basket'], $path, 'price', '30'); 将 CD-ROM 的价格设置为 30.

set_val($_SESSION['basket'], $path, 'price', '30'); will set the price for CD-ROM to 30.


Is there a better way for doing this?




Here you go a code I have finetuned some time ago:

  function get_val($array,$path) {
    for($i=$array; $key=array_shift($path); $i=$i[$key]) {
      if(!isset($i[$key])) return null;
    return $i;

  function set_val(&$array,$path,$val) {
    for($i=&$array; $key=array_shift($path); $i=&$i[$key]) {
      if(!isset($i[$key])) $i[$key] = array();
    $i = $val;


See this test example, I believe it is what you are looking for:

  $data = array("x"=>array("y"=>array("z"=>"foo")));
  echo get_val($data,array("x","y","z")); // foo
  set_val($data,array("x","y","u"),"bar"); // $data["x"]["y"]["u"] = "bar";
