过期时间为“会话结束时"的 cookie 何时过期?

2021-12-21 00:00:00 cookies php

有一个带有过期时间的会话 cookie,上面写着在会话结束时".它到底什么时候到期或者它会永远活着?

There is a session cookie with expiration time which says 'At end of session'. When exactly does it expire or will it be alive forever?


当你使用setcookie时,你可以将过期时间设置为0或者干脆省略参数- cookie 将在会话结束时过期(即,当您关闭浏览器时).

When you use setcookie, you can either set the expiration time to 0 or simply omit the parameter - the cookie will then expire at the end of session (ie, when you close the browser).
