具有动态源的 HTML5 音频元素

2021-12-20 00:00:00 audio php html


I have a basic audio player:

<audio controls="controls" autoplay="true" loop="loop">
<source src="song.php" type="audio/mpeg" />

而不是直接指向 MP3 文件的源代码,我让它指向一个 PHP 文件,然后该文件指向 MP3 文件,该文件有效.但是,当当前曲目结束时,PHP 文件将指向一个新的 MP3 文件.所以,我遇到的问题是,当播放器使用新的 MP3 文件循环播放时,它完全停止工作.有没有办法解决?有没有办法通过播放列表或任何其他播放器来做到这一点?

And instead of the source pointing directly to the MP3 file I have it pointed at a PHP file which then points to the MP3 file, which works. But, when the current track is over the PHP file is pointing to a new MP3 file. So, the problem that I have is that when the player goes to loop, with the new MP3 file, it completely stops working. Is there any way around this? Is there a way to do this with a playlist or any other players?




For starters, you are attaching a new event handler every single time the element is clicked. If someone frequently pauses the music, they will run into problems.


<audio id="audio" autoplay controls src="song.php" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>
<script type="text/javascript">
    document.getElementById('audio').addEventListener("ended",function() {
        this.src = "song.php?nocache="+new Date().getTime();

我假设 song.php 是一个返回音频数据的 PHP 文件.nocache 查询参数将确保每次实际调用该文件.

I'm assuming that song.php is a PHP file that returns the audio data. The nocache query parameter will ensure that the file is actually called every time.
