PHPMailer 电子邮件发送成功但未收到 (EC2)

2021-12-21 00:00:00 email amazon-ec2 php phpmailer

我在 EC2 上使用 PHPMailer.我的帐户不在沙箱中,我从经过验证的电子邮件发送.我从 PHPMailer 没有收到错误,这就是我的日志

I am using PHPMailer on EC2. My account is not in a sandbox and Im sending from verified email. Im getting no errors from PHPMailer and thats my log

2017-03-31 06:24:52 Connection: opening to, timeout=300, options=array ( ) 
2017-03-31 06:24:52 Connection: opened 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 SERVER -> CLIENT: 220 ESMTP SimpleEmailService-2007935443 svKFRJ5M6s1rqbMTRdZu 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 CLIENT -> SERVER: EHLO ***.domain 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 SERVER -> CLIENT: 250-8BITMIME 250-SIZE 10485760 250-STARTTLS 250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN 250 Ok 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 CLIENT -> SERVER: STARTTLS 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 SERVER -> CLIENT: 220 Ready to start TLS 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 CLIENT -> SERVER: EHLO ***.domain 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 SERVER -> CLIENT: 250-8BITMIME 250-SIZE 10485760 250-STARTTLS 250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN 250 Ok 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 CLIENT -> SERVER: AUTH LOGIN 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 SERVER -> CLIENT: 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 CLIENT -> SERVER: xxx= 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 SERVER -> CLIENT: 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 CLIENT -> SERVER: xxx= 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 SERVER -> CLIENT: 235 Authentication successful. 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 CLIENT -> SERVER: MAIL FROM: 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 SERVER -> CLIENT: 250 Ok 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 CLIENT -> SERVER: RCPT TO: 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 SERVER -> CLIENT: 250 Ok 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 CLIENT -> SERVER: DATA 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 SERVER -> CLIENT: 354 End data with . 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 CLIENT -> SERVER: Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2017 06:24:52 +0000 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 CLIENT -> SERVER: To: NG 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 CLIENT -> SERVER: From: Me 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 CLIENT -> SERVER: Subject: New User Added 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 CLIENT -> SERVER: Message-ID: <8ada86808c4dc38c21d7ff5d64051951@***.domain> 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 CLIENT -> SERVER: X-Mailer: PHPMailer 5.2.21 ( 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 CLIENT -> SERVER: MIME-Version: 1.0 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 CLIENT -> SERVER: Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 CLIENT -> SERVER: 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 CLIENT -> SERVER: 123 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 CLIENT -> SERVER: 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 CLIENT -> SERVER: . 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 SERVER -> CLIENT: 250 Ok 0101015b2309bfbe-39a8cf31-ad57-4998-832d-94312b7ddfad-000000 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 CLIENT -> SERVER: QUIT 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 SERVER -> CLIENT: 221 Bye 
2017-03-31 06:24:53 Connection: closed 

这是我的 PHPMailer 设置

This is my PHPMailer settings

$this->SMTPDebug = 3;

$this->Host = '';
$this->Username = '***';
$this->Password = '***';
$this->SMTPAuth = true;
$this->SMTPSecure = 'tls';
$this->Port = 587;

$this->From = '***';
$this->FromName = '***';
$this->ReturnPath = '***';


I tried to send this to different email but it still not working. Here is actual code of sending

$mailer = new Mailer($API);
$mailer->Subject = 'New User Added';
$mailer->Body = '123';

$mailer->addAddress('***', '***');

if (!$mailer->send()) {
   throw new Exception($mailer->ErrorInfo);
} else {


我建议你去 然后复制您看到的电子邮件地址.更新您的代码,然后使用 PHPMailer 向您复制的地址发送电子邮件.假设您的代码确实发送了电子邮件,并且看起来您的代码是正确的,那么 Mail Tester 将显示您的电子邮件存在哪些问题.

I would suggest that you go to and then copy the email address you see. Update your code and then send an email using PHPMailer to the address you copied. Assuming that your code does actually send the email, and it looks like your code is correct, then Mail Tester will show you what problems your email has.
