如何使用 Facebook Graph API 获取用户的网络信息?(PHP)

2021-12-20 00:00:00 php facebook-graph-api

我已经玩了一周左右的 Facebook Graph API,仍然找不到如何获取用户的网络信息?不知道Graph API是否存储了用户的网络;我没有看到这样的信息.简单来说,如果用户在Google"网络中,我是否可以获取该用户所属网络的名称和 ID?

I have been playing with Facebook Graph API around a week, and I still could not find how to get user's network information? I don't know if the Graph API stores user's network; I didn't see such information. Simply, if a user is in "Google" network, may I get the name and the ID of the networks that the user belongs to?


If this is not possible, may I reach the user's secondary email addresses?



使用 FQL : User 表的 affiliations 字段包含此信息

Using FQL : the affiliations field of the User table contains this information

示例调用:https://graph.facebook.com/fql?q=select affiliations from user where uid= 4&access_token=


  "data": [
      "affiliations": [
          "nid": 16777217, 
          "name": "Harvard", 
          "type": "college"
          "nid": 50431648, 
          "name": "Facebook", 
          "type": "work"
