无法通过 Facebook API 删除照片?
突然,我无法通过 API 删除 Facebook 照片.我收到此错误:
Suddenly, I can't delete Facebook photos via the API. I get this error:
Array ( [error] => Array ( [type] => OAuthException [message] => (#3) Application does not have the capability to make this API call. ) )
这是什么意思?它突然停止工作.Facebook 阻止了吗?我读过那个.有解决办法吗?
What does this mean? It suddenly stopped working. Is Facebook blocking this? I have read that. Is there a work-around?
你说得对;目前无法通过 Facebook API 从相册中删除照片.
You are correct; there is currently no public access to delete photos from an album via the Facebook API.
This is intentional and there are no known workarounds. An App can delete open graph actions or Feed stories that it has made, but not most other types of content, including photos.