PHP &Facebook: facebook-debug a URL using CURL and Facebook debugger

2021-12-20 00:00:00 curl php facebook facebook-graph-api

事实:我运行一个简单的网站,其中包含文章、通过抓取第三方网站/博客等动态获取的文章(新文章每半小时左右到达我的网站)、文章我想在我的 facebook 页面上发帖.每篇文章通常包括一张图片、一个标题和一些文字.

Facts: I run a simple website that contains articles, articles dynamically acquired by scraping third-party websites/blogs etc (new articles arrive to my website every half an hour or so), articles which I wish to post on my facebook page. Each article typically includes an image, a title and some text.

问题:我在 Facebook 上发布的大部分(几乎所有)文章都没有正确发布 - 缺少图片.

Problem: Most (almost all) of the articles that I post on Facebook are not posted correctly - their images are missing.

低效解决方案:使用 Facebook 的调试器(这个)我向它提交了一篇文章的 URL(来自我网站的 URL,而不是原始来源的 URL),然后 Facebook 扫描/抓取 URL 并正确提取所需的信息(图像、标题、文本等).执行此操作后,文章可以正确发布到 Facebook 上 - 不会丢失图片或任何内容.

Inefficient Solution: Using Facebook's debugger (this one) I submit an article's URL to it (URL from my website, not the original source's URL) and Facebook then scans/scrapes the URL and correctly extracts the needed information (image, title, text etc). After this action, the article can be posted on Facebook correctly - no missing images or anything.

目标:我所追求的是一种创建过程的方法,该过程将向 Facebook 的调试器提交 URL,从而迫使 Facebook 扫描/抓取 URL,以便随后可以正确发布.我相信我需要做的是创建一个包含 URL 的 HTML POST 请求并将其提交给 Facebook 的调试器.这是正确的方法吗?如果是,因为我以前没有使用 CURL 的经验,那么在 PHP 中使用 CURL 的正确方法是什么?

Goal: What I am after is a way to create a process which will submit a URL to Facebook's debugger, thus forcing Facebook to scan/scrape the URL so that it can then be posted correctly. I believe that what I need to do is to create an HTML POST request containing the URL and submit it to Facebook's debugger. Is this the correct way to go? And if yes, as I have no previous experience with CURL, what is the correct way to do it using CURL in PHP?

旁注:作为旁注,我应该提到我的文章使用的是短 URL,尽管我认为这不是问题的原因,因为即使在我使用规范的 URL.

Side Notes: As a side note, I should mention that I am using short URLs for my articles, although I do not think that this is the cause of the problem because the problem persists even when I use the canonical URLs.

此外,Open Graph 元标记设置正确(og:image、og:description 等).

Also, the Open Graph meta tags are correctly set (og:image, og:description, etc).


您可以使用带有 PHP-cURL 的 Facebook 图形 API 调试图形对象,方法是执行 POST

You can debug a graph object using Facebook graph API with PHP-cURL, by doing a POST to{Object_URL}&scrape=1


to make thing easier, we can wrap our debugger within a function:

function facebookDebugger($url) {

        $ch = curl_init();
              curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ''. urlencode($url). '&scrape=1');
              curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
              curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
              curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
        $r = curl_exec($ch);
        return $r;


虽然这会更新 &为传递的 URL 清除 Facebook 缓存,打印出每个键有点困难它的内容并同时避免错误,但是我建议使用 var_dump()print_r() 或 PHP-ref

though this will update & clear Facebook cache for the passed URL, it's a bit hard to print out each key & its content and avoid errors in the same time, however I recommended using var_dump() or print_r() OR PHP-ref

使用 PHP-ref

r( facebookDebugger('') );
