Facebook PHP SDK 注销

2021-12-20 00:00:00 curl php facebook facebook-graph-api

我已经在我的 facebook 应用程序注销选项中实现了,但不幸的是,它在 rediredt 循环中出错了..有谁知道 facebook sdk 是否将我重定向回原始页面,或重定向到主页面 whicj 设置在developer.facebook.com 管理中的应用程序设置?无论如何,有没有可能如何在不重定向的情况下从我的应用程序注销?例如使用 cUrl 请求到注销 url,这可能吗?

I've implemented in my facebook app logout option, but unfortunately, it errors on rediredt loop..Does anyone know if the facebook sdk, redirects me back to the original page, or to the main page whicj is set in the applications settings in developers.facebook.com administration?? Anyway, is there any possibility how to logout from my app without redirecting?For example with cUrl request to the logout url, is that possible?


您可以考虑使用 FB javascript SDK 进行注销,然后您不需要重定向(也可以注册 javascript 回调并使用 window.location 来做到这一点):

You could consider using the FB javascript SDK for doing the logout and then you do not need to redirect (it is also possible to register a javascript callback and use window.location to do that):

FB.logout(函数(响应){//用户现在已注销window.location = "xxxx";});

FB.logout(function(response) { // user is now logged out window.location = "xxxx"; });

如果你想使用php sdk,你可以传入一个next"参数,和你想直接访问的页面:$location = (string) html_entity_decode($facebook->getLogoutUrl(array('next' => 'mysite.com')));

If you want to use the php sdk, you can pass in a "next" parameter, with the page you want to direcrect to: $location = (string) html_entity_decode($facebook->getLogoutUrl(array('next' => 'mysite.com')));
