GPG 错误代码 2

2021-12-20 00:00:00 encryption gnupg php

GPG 的结果总是返回 2.我的代码如下

GPG is always returning 2 at the result. My code is as follows

$cmd = "/usr/bin/gpg -a --recipient $to -e -o $outfile $infile";

其中 outfile 是加密数据将写入的文件,infile 是未加密数据.

Where outfile is the file where the encrypted data will be written and infile is the unencrypted data.


I don't know why this is happening. Can anyone please tell me what's wrong. Thanks.


GPG 询问您是否要继续使用未签名的密钥进行加密.由于没有用户可以输入 Y,它会产生一个错误.

GPG is asking whether you want to continue on with the encryption using an unsigned key. Since no user can input Y it produces an error.


To fix this put the following switches

