有没有办法将数组绑定到 mysqli prepare

2021-12-20 00:00:00 php mysql mysqli stored-procedures


I'm trying to make a class that will execute any one of a number of stored procedures with any amount of variables

我使用 php 和 mysqli

Im using php and mysqli

  • 我的类枚举一个数组并根据元素的数量构造一个字符串
  • 例如给出这样的CALL spTestLogin(?,?)
  • 我现在需要使用这样的方法绑定数组的输入:

  • My class enumerates an array and constructs a string based on the number of elements if any
  • giving something like this CALL spTestLogin(?,?) for example
  • I now need to bind the input from my array using somethin like this:

$stmt->bind_param($this->paramTypes,$this->paramValues);//paramValues 是我的数组

$stmt->bind_param($this->paramTypes,$this->paramValues);//paramValues is my array


Then if that works I can work on getting my results




call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_param'), $params);

鉴于 $this->paramTypesmysqli_stmt::bind_param 所需格式的字符串 - 如果不是,则必须创建此 字符串 参数优先.

given that $this->paramTypes is a string in the format required by mysqli_stmt::bind_param - if not, you have to create this string parameter first.

我不知道 outinout 参数在这种情况下是否有效.

I don't know if out or inout parameters do work in this case.
