如何在网站中显示类似 youtube 的视频播放器?

2021-12-20 00:00:00 video-streaming php javascript video flash

我正在一个网站上工作,我希望在该网站上上传摄像机录制的视频,并且仅对登录用户可见(但不能下载).我还想编辑视频,在背景中显示某些图像,并可能记下他们上次停止观看视频的时间.(即,如果他们在 30 分钟后停止观看,我想在他们下次观看时从 30:00 开始观看).

I'm working on a website where I want camera-recorded vidoes to be uploaded, and be viewable (but not downloadable) to logged-in users only. I'd also like to edit the videos, have certain images appear in the background, and possibly note the time at which they last stopped watching a video. (I.e if they stopped watching after 30 mins, i'd like to start the video from 30:00 the next time they view it).


1) 有没有办法动态添加选定的图像/动画作为背景和 .mp3 文件作为视频的配乐,或者我是否必须使用视频编辑软件为每个视频手动执行此操作?(将有 100 多个视频).关于视频的任何建议.编辑软件也很酷.

1) Is there a way to dynamically add the selected images/animation as the background and .mp3 file as the soundtrack to the video, or will I have to do this manually for every video using a video editing software? (There will be 100+ videos). Any recommendations on the vid. editing software would be cool too.

2) 我是否必须使用 ffmeg 将视频转换为 .flv,或者有没有办法直接将它们作为 .mpegs/.wmv 文件播放?

2) Will I have to convert the videos to .flv using ffmeg, or is there a way to play them directly as .mpegs/.wmv files?

3) 显然,我需要某种视频播放器(如 youtube),您可以在其中暂停/停止/跳过视频.有没有办法使用 Javascript/AJAX 来构建它,或者我需要为此购买 Flash 组件吗?(如果我必须购买一个,任何有关此类视频的推荐.播放器将不胜感激)

3) Obviously I'd need some kind of a video player (like youtube) where you can pause/stop/skip through the video. Is there a way to build this using Javascript/AJAX, or do I need to purchase a flash component for this? (If I have to purchase one, any recommendations for such a vid. player would be appreciated)

我使用 PHP 5、MySQL 和 Jquery (Javascript) 来构建这个项目.

I'm using PHP 5, MySQL, and Jquery (Javascript) to build this project.



查看 (Flowplayer).Flowplayer 是一款非常棒的网络开源视频播放器.

Check out (Flowplayer). Flowplayer is a really nice opensource video player for the web.
