
2021-12-20 00:00:00 file-upload php javascript html flash

你们都知道新一代花哨的,主要是基于 Flash 的文件上传器,例如 SWFUpload 可以在上传时显示进度条 - 一个很大的改进,特别是对于不稳定和低带宽的连接.

You all know the new generation of fancy, mostly Flash-based file uploaders like SWFUpload that can show a progress bar while uploading - a great improvement especially for shaky and low-bandwidth connections.


However, these uploaders all bring their own logic of how to handle uploads on the client side. I am looking for an unobtrusive way to "fancify" existing, classical file uploads, i.e. introducing a progress bar to normal file upload forms.


Due to the architecture of uploading files, this is most likely not possible without some tweaking on the client side.

我正在寻找一种将调整保持在绝对最小值的解决方案,例如一个将自身添加到普通表单的 onsubmit 事件的组件,执行文件上传,显示一个漂亮的进度条,将生成的临时(服务器端)文件路径放入表单中,然后提交.在服务器端,我只需要修改我的脚本以使用flash上​​传器提供的文件路径,而不是$_FILES和consorts,并考虑一下安全性.

I am looking for a solution that keeps the tweaking to an absolute minimum, e.g. a component that adds itself to the onsubmit event of a normal form, performs the file upload, displays a nice progress bar, puts the resulting temporary (server side) file path into the form, and submits it. On the server side, I just have to modify my script to use the file path provided by the flash uploader, instead of $_FILES and consorts, and think about security for a moment.

这并不是所有基于 Flash 的上传者所做的:他们可以使用表单中的数据,但他们不提供按原样提交表单的可能性,我正在寻找什么.我正在寻找更进一步的(可能)基于 Flash 的上传功能.


我们通过安装 PECL 扩展pecl-uploadprogress 并在表单中添加了一个简单的 AJAX 回调来实现这一点:

We implemented this very simple by installing the PECL extension pecl-uploadprogress and added a simple AJAX callback to the forms:


$upload_id = genUploadKey();
function genUploadKey ($length = 11) {
  $charset = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
  for ($i=0; $i < $length; $i++)
    $key .= $charset[(mt_rand(0,(strlen($charset)-1)))];
  return $key;

创建一个 AJAX 回调处理程序(例如 uploadprogress.php):

Create an AJAX callback handler (eg. uploadprogress.php):


// servlet that handles uploadprogress requests:
if ($upload_id) {
  $data = uploadprogress_get_info($upload_id);
  if (!$data)
    $data['error'] = 'upload id not found';
  else {
    $avg_kb = $data['speed_average'] / 1024;
    if ($avg_kb<100)
      $avg_kb = round($avg_kb,1);
    else if ($avg_kb<10)
      $avg_kb = round($avg_kb,2);
    else $avg_kb = round($avg_kb);

    // two custom server calculations added to return data object:
    $data['kb_average'] = $avg_kb;
    $data['kb_uploaded'] = round($data['bytes_uploaded'] /1024);

  echo json_encode($data);

// display on completion of upload:

下载 jQuery 和 jQuery.uploadprogress 库(其中还包括上述代码段)并与您的表单集成:

Download jQuery and the jQuery.uploadprogress libraries (which also includes the above snippet) and integrate with your form:

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.uploadprogress.0.3.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function () {
    // apply uploadProgress plugin to form element
    // with debug mode and array of data fields to publish to readout:
        displayFields : ['kb_uploaded','kb_average','est_sec'],
        start: function() {
    success: function() {


Add this to your upload form:

<input name="UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER" type="hidden" value="$upload_id" />


That should do the trick. This is extracted from our code base and may not work out-of-the-box. But it should tell you the idea.
