如何处理 GCP WordPress 错误“此页面无效" example.com 当前无法处理此请求.HTTP 错误 500

2021-12-20 00:00:00 google-cloud-platform php wordpress

起初该网站运行良好,我安装了WordPress 一体化迁移插件"并将我的电影 wordpress 网站迁移到托管在谷歌云平台"的域.到这里一切正常,但是当点击一个帖子时,它重定向到一个空页面,上面写着找不到页面".我开始在 Wordpress 仪表板的WordPress 编辑器"选项中探索不同的东西,但没有任何效果,一天后网站完全关闭.我遇到的错误如下:此页面无效 watchlatestmovie.com 目前无法处理此请求.HTTP ERROR 500 如何摆脱?

At first the site was working pity fine i installed "WordPress all in one migration Plugin" and migrated my movies wordpress website to the domain am hosting at "Google Cloud Platform". Till here every thing was working fine, but when a post was clicked it redirected to an empety page saying "The page not found". I started exploring different things within "WordPress Edittor" option from Wordpress Dashboard but nothing worked, and after a day site was completely down. The error am having is as follow: This page isn’t working watchlatestmovie.com is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500 How to get out of it?



I got the solution, it was a file permission error in apache2.conf Here is the solution: execute the following command in command line

sudo vi /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

  1. 按插入"进入编辑模式
  2. 向下滚动
  3. 将/var/www/权限从无"更改为全部"
  4. 按Esc"
  5. 写:qw"退出文件.
  6. 现在使用以下命令重启apache2服务器

  1. Press "insert" to get into editing mode
  2. Scroll down
  3. Change /var/www/ Permissions from "None" to "All"
  4. Press "Esc"
  5. write ":qw" to exit the file.
  6. Now restart the apache2 server with following command

sudo service apache2 restart
