mysql 匹配 ~ 示例

2021-12-20 00:00:00 search php mysql

下面是我坚持使用的一个示例 sql,它不会返回名为mill hotel"的酒店它返回其他 10 个酒店.任何帮助都会非常感谢

Below is an example sql I am stuck with, it will not return a hotel named "mill hotel" It returns 10 other hotels. Any help would be great thanks

SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE match(hotel) against('the mill hotel' IN BOOLEAN MODE) LIMIT 10";



您需要指定运算符,因为在 OR 运算中没有指定任何结果.试试这个:

You need to specify the operators, because not specifying any results in an OR operation. Try this:

SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE match(hotel) against('+the mill hotel' IN BOOLEAN MODE) LIMIT 10";

