使用 Windows 域凭据的 MediaWiki 身份验证

2021-12-19 00:00:00 windows single-sign-on php iis mediawiki

我希望创建一个 wiki 页面供我公司内部使用.

I wish to create a wiki page for internal use within my company.

理想情况下,我希望它能够验证我们公司 windows 域的登录信息,这样用户就不必专门为 wiki 创建一个新帐户来访问它.

Ideally, I would like it to verify logins against our company windows domain, so that the user does not have to create a new account specifically for the wiki in order to to access it.


So, users currently log into a domain when they log into their computer in work in the morning. I want to use these credentials in my webpage to verify that the user should be allowed to edit the page ? I want the users login to be maintained so that we can keep track of who makes the edits and when.


Is it possible to do this ? What can I do to make this change ?


NTLM 或 Kerberos 将允许您使用存储 Windows 域凭据的 Active Directory 进行单点登录.查看 MediaWiki 身份验证扩展.特别是 LDAP 身份验证扩展的 Kerberos 配置 或 这个 NTLM 扩展.

NTLM or Kerberos will allow you to do single sign on with an Active Directory storing Windows domain credentials. Check out the MediaWiki authentication extensions. Particularly, the Kerberos configuration for the LDAP Authentication extension or this NTLM extension.
