如何确定是否使用 FastCGI 来运行 php 脚本

2021-12-19 00:00:00 iis-7 php iis fastcgi

我有一个托管站点,但在配置 Joomla 时遇到问题(在 IIS7 + win server 2008 上运行 Joomla + php + mySQL).我有一个在本地机器上运行的类似配置(IIS7 上的 Joomla + php + mySQL + vista x64),所以我至少能够按照各种教程中显示的说明进行设置.

I have a hosted site and I'm having trouble configuring Joomla (running Joomla + php + mySQL on IIS7 + win server 2008). I have a similar configuration running on a local machine (Joomla + php + mySQL on IIS7 + vista x64), so I was at least able to follow instructions showed in various tutorials on how to set this up.

托管站点的这个症状是我无法在 Joomla 中打开任何 SEO 设置(甚至不是第一个设置,搜索引擎友好 URL").我得到 404(未找到文件)或 URL 显示正确重写,但始终显示主页的内容.我在我的家用机器上遇到了类似的问题,结果证明是因为我没有使用 FastCGI 来托管 php,所以我决定在托管站点上进行调查.

This symptom with the hosted site is that I can't turn on any SEO settings in Joomla (not even the first setting, "Search Engine Friendly URLs"). I get either 404 (file not found) or the URL appears correctly rewritten but it's always the home page's content that is displayed. I had a similar issue on my home machine and it turns out to have been because I wasn't using FastCGI to host php, so I decided to investigate that on the hosted site.

无论如何,我在托管站点上托管 joomla 的目录的 web.config 文件中注意到以下行:

Anyway, I noticed in the web.config file of the directory hosting joomla on the hosted site the following line:

<add name="Plesk_Handler_3522909676" path="*.php" verb="*" modules="IsapiModule" scriptProcessor="c:program files (x86)parallelspleskadditionalpleskphp5php5isapi.dll" resourceType="Either" />

根据过去的经验,我知道 php 在不在 fastCGI 下运行时会出现一些问题.我注意到根文件夹中的 web.config 使用了以下行:

From past experience, I know that php has some issues when not running under fastCGI. I noticed the web.config in the root folder used the following line instead:

<add name="Plesk_Handler_0286090609" path="*.php" verb="*" modules="CgiModule" scriptProcessor="c:program files (x86)parallelspleskadditionalpleskphp5php-cgi.exe" resourceType="Either" /> 

我将其复制到 joomla 目录的 web.config 中,并得到了不同的行为...但仍然无法正常工作.如果我在运行 phpInfo() 的 joomla 目录中加载一个 .php 文件,它会在 Server API 下显示 CGI/FastCGI .是否使用了 FastCGI 的肯定确认?为什么 web 配置中的处理程序指向 modules="CgiModule" 而不是 modules="FastCgiModule"(我什至不确定是否存在,但我只是发现 CgiModule 的提及可疑).

I copied that in the web.config in the joomla directory, and got different behavior... but still not working. If I load a .php file in the joomla directory that runs phpInfo(), under Server API it says CGI/FastCGI . Is that positive confirmation that FastCGI is being used? Why does the handler in the web config point to modules="CgiModule" instead of modules="FastCgiModule" (I'm not even sure that exists, but I just find the mention of CgiModule suspicious).

这是一个托管站点,据我所知,我无权访问 ApplicationHost.config 文件...

It's a hosted site, so as far as I know I don't have access to ApplicationHost.config file...



  1. 创建一个phpinfo.php文件
  1. Create a phpinfo.php file with

 <?php phpinfo(); ?> 


  1. 请求 http://yoursite.com/phpinfo.php/foobar?foo=bar

检查 phpinfo 的输出并查找 _SERVER["REQUEST_URI"].

Check the output of phpinfo and look for _SERVER["REQUEST_URI"].

如果缺少此变量,则使用 CGI.如果该变量存在并正确设置为/phpinfo.php/foobar?foo=bar,则使用 ISAPI 或 FastCGI.查看服务器 API 输出的顶部附近;它应该设置为 ISAPI(这意味着正在使用 ISAPI)或 CGI/FastCGI(这意味着正在使用 FastCGI,因为我们已经排除了 CGI).

If this variable is missing, then CGI is used. If the variable is present and correctly set to /phpinfo.php/foobar?foo=bar, then either ISAPI or FastCGI is used. Look near the top of the output for Server API; it should be set to either ISAPI (which means ISAPI is being used) or CGI/FastCGI (which means FastCGI is being used, since we already ruled out CGI).
