在 SELECT(MYSQL/PHP) 中加入 2 个表

2021-12-19 00:00:00 select php mysql

我有这两张桌子.连接密钥"是两个表中都包含的 conID.所以现在我想写一个 select 语句,它会给我这样的东西:

I have these two tables. The connecting "key" is conID which is included in both tables. So now i would like to write select statement which would give me something like this:

John Smith 乳品 22 Texas 4000 smth4

John Smith dairy22 Texas 4000 smth4

Mike Situation glenn32 Jersey 1000 smth1...

Mike Situation glenn32 Jersey 1000 smth1 ...


NUM   Name lastName  address    conID
  1    John  Smith     dairy22   Texas
  2    Mike  Situation glenn32   Jersey
  3    Duke  Nukem     haris48   NYork
  4    Queen Lisa      court84   London


conID   postNum   region
Jersey  1000      smth1
NYork   2000      smth2
London  3000      smth3
Texas   4000      smth4

<强>!-> NUM 是 AUTO INCREMENT 主键,如果可能的话,我不希望它是输出.


Thanks for help in advance :))


这应该返回您想要的行,基于 num 列:

This should return the rows you want, based on the num column:

SELECT Name, lastName, address, people.conID, postNum, region 
FROM people 
JOIN countries 
ON people.conID = countries.conID 
WHERE num=1
