
我的客户要求在用户添加时,将他们销售的捆绑产品中的每个简单产品(上衣和下衣)作为单独的行项目添加到购物车中.谁能指导我如何做到这一点?我对 MVC 和 Zend 框架相当擅长,但我需要一些帮助来找到控制将捆绑产品添加到购物车的确切文件,或者另一种方法来单独添加这些项目.请假设此服装唯一可能的产品类型是捆绑产品类型.

My client is requesting that each simple product within a bundled product they are selling (Clothing Top and Bottom) be added as a separate line item in the cart whenever a user adds it. Can anyone direct me in how to accomplish this? I am fairly good with MVC and the Zend Framework, but I need a bit of help finding the exact files that control adding bundled products to the cart, or an alternate method for getting these items added separately. Please assume that the only possible product type for this clothing is the Bundled product type.





class ourcompany_yourmodelname_Model_Observer extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract
     * Binds to the checkout_cart_product_add_after Event and passes control to the helper function to process the quote
     * @param Varien_Event_Observer $observer
     * @return void
    public function onCartProductAdd($observer){
        $product = $observer->getProduct();
        $isProductBundle = ($product->getTypeId() == 'bundle');
        $items_to_add = array();
        $oTypeInstance = $oProduct->getTypeInstance(true);
        $aSelections = $oTypeInstance->getSelectionsCollection($aOptionIds, $product );
        $aOptions = $oTypeInstance->getOptionsByIds($aOptionIds, $product);
        $bundleOptions = $aOptions->appendSelections($aSelections, true);
        foreach ($bundleOptions as $bundleOption) {
            if ($bundleOption->getSelections()) {
                $bundleSelections = $bundleOption->getSelections();    
                foreach ($bundleSelections as $bundleSelection) {
                       $items_to_add[] = $bundleSelection.getID();



     * Add extracted products into quote
     * @param array $items_to_add
    public function insertExtractedProducts($items_to_add){
        /**@var $cart Mage_Checkout_Model_Cart**/
        $cart = Mage::helper('checkout/cart')->getCart();
        $ids_to_add = array();
        foreach($items_to_add as $item_to_be_added){
            $ids_to_add[] = $item_to_be_added->getProductId();


Just a simple sample, but it might help.


Bundled products can be complicated to understand, when working with it via code: Here is a sample image:


Each Bundled product, have one to many options, which in the end will be links to products to be added to the bundle in the Shopping Cart.


Each Option consists of one to many Selections, which will be the linked products that will end up in the Shopping cart, under this bundled product. One Selection, can typically be set as the default, and will already be selected on the product page. More information can be found at this link on how to create and configure bundled products, because in this document, we will only discuss the programming side of it. The bundled product’s display page, will look like this:


It could look like this in the shopping cart, once you clicked on "Add to Cart": Bundle Sample

Sample Shampoo
1 x Moisturiser-125ml $29.95
Default Conditioner
1 x Moisturiser-60g $99.95


When interrogating this product through code, you load it like any normal product:



Once it is loaded, you need to get a product type instance, so that you can load the options for this product type.

$oTypeInstance = $oProduct->getTypeInstance(true);

现在我们可以通过这种方式获取此产品的选项 ID 列表:

Now we can get the list of option ID’s for this product in this manner:

$oTypeInstance = $oProduct->getTypeInstance(true);


To interrogate the Selections, we will add the list of options to a collection, then get the Options collection, as well as their respective Selections:

$aSelections = $oTypeInstance->getSelectionsCollection($aOptionIds, $oProduct );
$aOptions = $oTypeInstance->getOptionsByIds($aOptionIds, $oProduct);
$bundleOptions = $aOptions->appendSelections($aSelections, true);


Now we have a Collection of Options, and each Option will have a collection of Selections. We can now loop through the options, and look at their Selctions.

foreach ($bundleOptions as $bundleOption) {
            if ($bundleOption->getSelections()) {
                $bundleSelections = $bundleOption->getSelections();

                foreach ($bundleSelections as $bundleSelection) {
                     // get some data here
                     $vName = $bundleOption->getTitle();



To get a list of the Required Selection Products for the Bundled product, you can use the following code:

$requiredChildren = $this->getChildrenIds($product->getId(),$required=true);

然后,您可以遍历 ID 数组并按 ID 加载产品,以获取有关这些产品的更多信息.

You can then loop through the array of ID’s and load the products by their ID’s to get more information regarding those products.



In order to loop through the selected options of a Bundled product in the shopping card, you can use something like this:

 * @var Mage_Bundle_Model_Product_Type
$typeInstance = $this->getProduct()->getTypeInstance(true);

// get bundle options
$optionsQuoteItemOption =  $this->getItem()->getOptionByCode('bundle_option_ids');
$bundleOptionsIds = unserialize($optionsQuoteItemOption->getValue());
if ($bundleOptionsIds) {
    * @var Mage_Bundle_Model_Mysql4_Option_Collection
    $optionsCollection = $typeInstance->getOptionsByIds($bundleOptionsIds, $this->getProduct());

    // get and add bundle selections collection
    $selectionsQuoteItemOption = $this->getItem()->getOptionByCode('bundle_selection_ids');

    $selectionsCollection = $typeInstance->getSelectionsByIds(

    $bundleOptions = $optionsCollection->appendSelections($selectionsCollection, true);
    foreach ($bundleOptions as $bundleOption) {
        if ($bundleOption->getSelections()) {
            $label = $bundleOption->getTitle()

            $bundleSelections = $bundleOption->getSelections();

            foreach ($bundleSelections as $bundleSelection) {                        
                    $sName = $bundleSelection->getName();
            // some more code here to do stuff

此代码从 Quote Item Bundled Product 中获取 Options,然后在一个集合中获取该产品的 Options,然后找到Selected"Option Selection.

This code gets the Options from the Quote Item Bundled Product, and then gets the Options for that product in a collection, and then finds the "Selected" Option Selection.

